Return to the Boiling Isles

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There was quite the gathering in the basement at the three-story building Mr. X had set up. Several FBI Agents filled the room, helping set up and plug in equipment for Dr. Jan and Terri, who were working at a computer station, typing things into the device. However, they weren't the only ones there helping. Luz, alongside her mother Camila, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, The Pailsmens, Vee, Marcy, Mr. X, and Jenny were also in the room helping to set things up. Gus was helping Dr. Jan and Terri directly, by helping to place his magic mirror in the power station, alongside the Galdrstones. Upon noticing the stones were starting to crack he asked, "Hey, are the Galderstones okay? They seem to be cracking."

Dr. Jan began to explain, "Because there just power amplifiers instead of powerful magical artifacts themselves using them to amply the mirror with enough power to open a dimensional portal puts a lot of strain on them. During our first test, it did work to make a portal big enough, but it also cracked them a bit. It should still work, but given the amount of cracking, we can probably only do it two or three more times before they are destroyed."

Terri then added, "And even when they do open the portal because of the strain, the portal can only be opened for a little bit before the thing has to shut down. So when the portal is opened all of you have to go through it quickly."

Luz nodded, "No problem."

Going back to typing, Terri then explained, "Alright then. Once we're all set up we can begin. While it will take a few minutes for the portal to expand to be big enough, barring any unforeseen circumstances, it should work."

Smiling, Luz told them, "That's great. Don't worry, Eda, King, Hooty, Lilith, Raine, and everyone else, were on our way." She then turned to see her mom, with the worry clearly evident on her face. Luz began to look sad, as she walked over, "Mom, please don't be worried. I promise, after all of this is over I promise I'll come back, then I can introduce you to everyone, Eda, King, Hooty. It's going to be so great!"

Camila gave a small smile, "I know, Mija." She then hugged Luz, "Just promise me, you'll be careful over there."

Luz kindly replied, "I will. I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Luz."

After they ended their hug, Amity came over and told Camila, "Don't worry, Mrs. Noceda, will all help keep Luz safe."

Camila smiled, "I know you will. Thank you."

Amity smiled and nodded, "De nada(You're welcome)."

Luz hugged her girlfriend and smiled, "Oh, I see you've been learning more Spanish." Just then, Azura who was on Luz's shoulder flew over to Camila's shoulder and began to nuzzle her comfortingly. Luz smiled and told her mom, "Azura's also telling you not to worry, mom. She'll also be looking out for me."

Camila smiled and began to pet Azura, "Thank you, Azura."

Over by Willow, Hunter, and Marcy, who were walking over, Willow had just asked, "You're sure you don't want to come to the Boiling Isles, Marcy? You've been a big help."

Marcy nodded, "Yeah. It would be cool to see the Boiling Isles and learn more about it and magic, but I think I'm more needed here, you know with my parents."

Willow nodded in understanding, "I understand."

"Besides, this Collector could attack here or something, plus with Belos and Mr. Y still out there, I think it's best if I stay here as the first line of defense." Marcy dramatically puffed up her chest and did a power pose as she finished, "Besides, when this is all over I'm sure I'll be able to see the Boiling Isles when it's not in danger." She then gave a sly smile, "Maybe I'll be able to spy on your first date."

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