The Past Returns

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Despite it being late in the day, the town of Gravesfeild was still very lively with a variety of different people doing different things. A cloaked figure was walking around and taking notice of all this, as a little mud dripped out of his arm sleeves onto the ground. They saw many different things; walking through the mall, they saw in a clothing store a boy trying on a pink dress with his friends, both male and female giving him a thumbs up. Over by a pet store an African American woman was running the place, giving instructions to the other employees, they nodded and got to work. A little bit later, the cloaked figure was walking through the park, where they noticed some kids playing a card game on a park bench. When a boy won a match, he cheered and then kissed the boy on his left on the lips in celebration. The figure eventually made their way to a neighborhood where they noticed even more things going on; a business woman just walked into her home and kissed her wife. They then noticed none other than Marcy Wu just up ahead. She was talking on her cell phone and in the zone with the conversation, so she didn't notice the cloak figure eavesdropping. Thus. Marcy began to say with a smile, "Yeah, Dr. Jan and Terri say that with the Galderstones it shouldn't take too much longer to get the portal to open if their calculations are correct. This could also mean, we might be able to make it back to Amphibia one day. I know, I'd love that two, girls. But until then, we've at least got the Amphibia we're building in Minecraft. Speaking of which, Anne, Sasha, are you two going to be able to get online today so we can build some more? Awesome! We can do it a bit after dinner. Alright, I'll see you two then." She continued to smile and hung up. Eventually, she made it to her house, happily opening the door and shouting, "Mom, dad, I'm home."

The mysterious figure continued to walk past her house and down the neighborhood. Eventually, they came to the Noceda house. Sneaking up to the windows they looked in at what was going on in there. In the living room, Azura was sleeping on the table, with Ghost also sleeping, curled up around her. Luz was using her phone to fill this, while she gushed at the Pailsmens, as Amity smiled on looking at Luz. Eventually, Hunter came over, with Flapjack taking a nap on his head. The boy gently place Flapjack down on the table next to the other two Pailsmens and wrapped him in a blanket. Next to join the fry were Willow and Gus, who were petting their respective Pailsmens, before setting them down to play with each; with Emmiline trying to jump up and catch Clover. After this, the group made their way into the kitchen to help Camila with dinner. While Luz and Vee helped with the cooking, Amity, Willow, Gus, and Hunter worked on setting the table. Eventually, the group sat down for a nice family dinner. The mysterious figure left soon after this, with the wind blowing strong as they went. They made their way to the old abandoned house in the forest. After they entered, they removed their hood to reveal they were Belos. Belos was looking irritated, as thoughts began to plague him. However, these weren't just his own thoughts, but many words spoken to him previously were beginning to play in his head. First came the voice of Luz, "After everything you've done, your barely Human yourself anymore."

Then Hunter's voice chimed in, "How could you do that to your own family?"

Amity's voice came next, "The way you were raised was wrong."

Luz's voice returned, "Unlike you, I can see the good in the people of the Boiling Isles, they are no different from Humans! After all the horrible and evil things you did to them you're not even Human or Witch, you're just a heartless monster!"

Marcy's voice was heard next, "If you have to get rid of everything that's different from you then you'll have to get rid of a lot of the people around the world because the world has changed a lot since you've been gone!"

Then it went back to Luz, "He had learned that Witches were no different from Humans. You could have learned that too and been happy for your brother like family should be, but you couldn't see that! You don't deserve to still use your Human name, Belos!"

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