Battle for the Boiling Isles Part 2: Siege of the Castle

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Both groups had just finished their stories of what had been going on. Eda commented, "Wow. The Human Realm sounded nuts."

Luz told her, "It kind of was, but probably not as nuts as you guys going all post-apocalyptic desert rebellion all up in here."

Smirking, Eda said, "Yeah. We are pretty awesome. And during all that, me and Rainestorm found time to finally tie the knot as the old saying goes."

Upon hearing this, Luz's face was overcome with joy, "Ooooohhhh! That's so beautiful! You two are finally married!"

Eda stated, "Well, no better time when it looks like the world might end."

Raine gave a smile, "And those were the exact words you said when you professed to me."

Turning to face them, Eda gave Raine her own smile, "Oh come on, you know you loved it."

Nodding their head, Raine admitted, "Yeah, I did." They then turned to Darrius and said, "Oh, and thanks for making it official, Darrius."

Darrius told them, "It was a pleasure."

Hunter smiled and said, "I didn't know you could marry people, Darrius."

The Head of the Abomination Coven smirked, "I am a man of many talents and skills."

Eda then looked down at the ground in some sorrow, "But despite how well we've been managing, we still have mustered enough force to attack The Collector dead on and get King back."

Everyone started to look sad at this. Eventually, Amity asked, "Well, do you have at least something to fight The Collector with."

Eda told them, "Well, the medallions help a little since he can't see us with them, but he still can hear us so he can still attack. Also, my Curse can probably do some damage since The Collector is the one who made it."

Willow raised an eyebrow, "He is?"

She nodded, "Yeah. I've been having some talks with the Owl Beast in my head and with The Collector back they filled me. Also, considering he fought King's species before, we're pretty sure that means Titan powers, like King's roar can do damage as well."

Gus nodded, "Well, that's better than nothing. But even if we do have a plan, do you know where The Collector and King even are."

This time Raine explained, "Oh yeah. He's held up at Belos's old castle which he's made the floating centerpiece in this so-called Owl House Game. However, it's protected by many Trappers and Abomitons, so it's hard to get through to even face The Collector."

Luz then stood on top of the table and dramatically exclaimed, "Well, I say we stop waiting and go after this kid right now and finally save King!"

The rest of the Hexside crew cheered at this, but the adults had some concerned looks, with Eda being the first to speak up, "Um, I don't think that's such a good idea. You guys just got back and the last thing we want is to put kids in danger."

Alador added, "I agree. I just got you back, Mittens. I don't want to lose you again, or your siblings, that's why we instructed them to hide."

Lilith jumped in, "Along with many other people. We're the adults, so will handle this."

Amity got up and started insisting, "Hey! We're not some helpless, defenseless kids."

Willow added, "King's our friend and we are going to help him and help our world."

Luz then came in, "Plus, we did great in the Human Realm. Didn't you listen to our stories? We handled ourselves well. Even beating Belos."

Raising her finger, Eda pointed out, "Yeah, but in your stories, you pointed out how you needed extra help from your mom, Vee, that Marcy girl, and several others to beat him. And even then you guys didn't finish him off. He did that himself when he sacrificed himself to open the portal back, which I still can't believe that jerk actually helped you all do."

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