The Misadventures of Gus and Vee

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Vee, in her Luz disguise, was hanging out with her friends, walking through the park, laughing, and having a good time. However, that good time was spoiled when she noticed someone in the park. None other than Jacob, the former curator of the Gravesfield Historical Society. When she saw him, she began to panic and instantly ducked behind a tree. This caused her friends to look puzzled, with the only other girl in the group asking, "Um, are you okay, Luz?"

Vee quickly shook her head, "Y-yup. Everything is fine. I j-just remembered that I-I have something to do. See you later." She made a quick run for it, but as she did, Jacob noticed her and start following her. Looking behind herself briefly, Vee noticed this and made a mad dash into the nearby novelty shop.

Once in, she was greeted by Gus coming up from behind the counter, as he began to say, "Hello. Welcome to-." After noticing her he stop and asked, "Oh, hey, Vee. What brings you here today?"

The young Basilisk began to panic, "You have to hide me!"

He raised an eyebrow, "What? Why?"

"He's coming!" She quickly jumped over the counter and ducked behind it.

After she did, Jacob entered the store and began looking around. He soon went over to Gus and asked, "Hey, you, have you seen a girl with brown hair, a yellow shirt, a blue jacket, and black pants come in here?"

Gus quickly shook his head, "Nope, sorry. I was getting some stuff from under the counter a few minutes ago, so I didn't see anyone like that."

Jacob snapped his fingers, "Dang it! Well, there's only one exit in this place." He made his way out the door, "So I'll just wait, and then that Demon is mine and it will be payback time!"

Once the door shut, Vee popped her head out from under the counter, with Gus saying, "Let me guess that's the guy who ran the Gravesfield Historical Society you and Luz told us about?"

She nodded her head, "Yup. He's after me again. I can't go back in another cage."

Gus began to comfortingly pat her back, "Don't worry, will think of something to get him off your back."

"Thanks, Gus. But what can we do? He's standing right out there and it's a public place so we can't risk using our magic or it will draw attention."

The young Witch began to stroke his chin with his hand, "Good point. Let's see." After some time thinking, Gus flicked his fingers in realization, "I've got an idea."

A little while later, Jacob was still standing across from the novelty shop, thinking to himself, "Come on, demon. You have to come out of there at som-."

His thoughts were interrupted by flowers being shoved in his face, being held by none other than Willow. The young Witch cheeky said, "Special delivery."

Jacob pushed the bouquet out of his face and questioned, "What! I didn't order any flowers."

"Well, somebody did for you. Maybe you've got a secret admirer or something."

"Look, I don't have time for this. I'm in the middle of-." He stopped as he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Vee and Gus making a run for it out the door and down an alley. Jacob pushed the flowers away again and gave chase, "Hey, get back here!"

Willow sighed, "Oh great." Then she gave chase after him.

Down the alleyway, Vee told Gus as they ran, "I think I hear him. He might have seen us."

Gus replied, "Then will have to find a place to lose him." He then stopped as did Vee when they noticed up ahead two rats with red eyes.

The rats then began to speak, "Granted wisdom grants us speech! We desire more!"

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