The Power of Family

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(Two Warnings first:

1.) This Chapter contains the mentioning of issues such as Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia. I am not an expert on these subjects, so if I mess up with them I do greatly apologize, I am trying my best here, and I feel this is important for certain plots going forward. I also apologize if this makes any of you uncomfortable. If you want you can skip this Chapter, while some important plot stuff is happening in it, I don't want to force anyone to read stuff they don't want to.

2.) This Chapter also contains stuff about the Spanish culture, including some people speaking in Spanish. I did as much research as I could for this, but it's very likely I will still get stuff wrong, as such, I do apologize, but I feel this is important for the story with a certain event that happens here and for some future plot progression. Also, I used Google Translate for all the Spanish, so I'm hoping it's right, but I will have a translation right next to the words so you all know what's going on like with subtitles.)

(Also, Part of this opening bit is from a fan comic made by the great comic creator Morning Mark, which I think would work well as an intro to this episode. Link to this great story right here:

Luz, Amity, and Camila were on the street next to Camila's car, which had its hood popped up. Both mother and daughter were checking their phones. Luz then asked her mother, "Anything?"

Only for Camila to respond, "I've got no bars."

Luz signed, "Same."

"How are we supposed to get a tow truck, so we can make it to the family reunion, now?"

Amity approached the pair and asked, "Can I look at your car, Mrs. Noceda. Maybe I can fix it."

The mother and daughter duo looked at each other, before smiling, with Camila saying, "Yeah! Of course!" Amity began to look under the hood and inspect the engine, "Machines probably work very differently in your world, though. So don't worry if you can't-."

She didn't get a chance to finish, as Amity stated, "Yeah, the radiator is clogged. That's why the engine overheated." The mother and daughter duo looked shocked, as Amity continued and drew a Spell Circle, "Let's see if I can unclog it." The Abomination goop removed the clogged-up goop. She then went back to the car and leaned in through the rolled-down window to try and start it up. As the engine roared perfectly, she cheered and pumped her fist, "Yes! It worked!"

The shock on Luz and Camila's faces grew, as the latter whispered to the former, "She's a keeper."

Luz then asked with curiosity, "But how? How do you know so much about Human machines?"

Amity began to explain, while wearing a nostalgic smile, "Well, you see."


In Blight Maner, Amity, as a little girl, went up to her father, Alador Blight, as he was reading and sweetly said, "Dadwy, read me a story!"

Alador simply told her, "Not now, sweetie. Daddy is studying engineering." He turned back to the book he was reading, "I just bought these Human books from the Owl Lady. They have such inspiring machine designs."

Little Amity looked down and sad, but while looking down, she noticed a book on cars on the floor. Her curiosity peaked, she sat down and opened it up. After reading for a little bit, she turned to her dad and asked, "Dadwy, what's a fwel pump?"

Looking away from his book to his daughter, Alador smiled and explained, "Oh, you see, Humans don't use magic to power their machines. Instead, they use ancient animal corpses." Amity smiled as she continued to listen to her father's explanation, "Now, using heat they-."

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