A New Threat

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In Marcy's room, Luz and the others had just finished telling Anne their story, with Anne having also finished telling her story. Luz looked a little down as she asked, "So the Calamity Box was destroyed?"

Anne replied with her own sadness at remembering the events, "Yeah, we think so. Sorry." Before the gang could get depressed, Anne quickly added, "But it's not all bad. I've got some friends who are still experimenting with opening dimensional portals. So far they haven't been able to make them big enough for people to travel to, but they might be able to help by combining their knowledge with yours."

Luz's eyes brightened, and Amity who was on her left then smiled at Luz and then turned to Anne, "That's great news."

Marcy who was on Luz's right added with a big smile and thumbs up, "I knew you could help us, Anne-Bannan."

Anne gave them a thumbs up, "No problem, Mar-Mar. I'm happy to help." She pulled out her phone, "I just gotta call in some favors and help should be on the way."

The group cheered, with Gus jumping from his sitting spot on the bed and cheering, while Willow and Hunter stayed sat on the bed and cheered by holding their hands together and up.

Sometime later, inside Luz's house, she and the gang, alongside Marcy were hanging out in her room. Luz and Amity were sitting at Luz's desk and watching Luz's Pailsmen egg that they had built a little nest for. Both were gently petting the egg, with Luz sweetly saying, "Cozy, little guy. I can't wait for you to hatch. This world is full of a lot of nice people who really want to meet you. You're not even born and there's so much love for you here already." She then kissed the egg.

After which, the egg started to wiggle a little bit, causing Amity to smile, "I think it hears you."

Luz smiled herself, "AWWW. Eda was right about it hearing me in there. I can't wait for it to get to see the world. Both worlds, hopefully soon." She then turned over to Marcy talking to Willow and Gus on the other side of the room, "Hey, Marcy, are these people going to get here soon?"

Marcy turned to them and nodded, while giving a thumbs up, "Oh yeah, definitely. This is around the time Anne said they should be here so it shouldn't be too much longer."

Luz gave her a thumbs up back, before turning back to her Egg, which Ghost was now curling around to help warm, causing Luz and Amity to both utter, "Awww."

Marcy smiled and turned back to Willow and Gus to continue their conversation. Willow was looking at some glowing purple vines, with fascination and joy in her eyes she exclaimed, "Wow. The planets from Amphibia are cool."

Marcy told her, "Yeah, Insta Vines are pretty cool, but so are these planets from the Boiling Isles." She pointed to Wiilow's scroll that Willow had lent her, showing a video of Willow showing off some planets, "These are so incredible. I mean just look at all you can do with them." As the video showed off a more carnivorous one she let out a bit of worried, "Well, some of them seem a bit dangerous through."

The young planet Witch nodded, "Yeah, some of them are, but if you know how to handle them, like I do, then you'll be fine. There are many more planets that are very nice ones."

Gus added, holding up a human gardening magazine, "Besides, it's the same here there are safe planets and dangerous ones, like these ones with all the sharp needles, a Cac-tes."

Marcy corrected, "Cactus. Oh, those can be dangerous, but they're also impressive. Because their environment is usually a desert with little water, they developed to need less water to survive."

Smiling, Gus replied, "Cool. The stuff in the Human Realm is so cool."

Nodding her head, Marcy added, "So is the stuff in the Demon Realm."

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