A Magical Sleepover

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Marcy Wu was in her room just finishing up playing a game on her Nintendo Switch. As she cleared the level she shouted, "BOOM! New high score!" Just then she heard the doorbell ring increasing her excitement, "And just in time there here!" She rushed out of her room and down the stairs where she met up with her parents who had just opened the door to reveal Camila dropping off Luz, Amity, Willow, and Vee.

Seeing them, Marcy smiled and waved, "Hiya, friends."

Luz smiled, "Oh that's so cool. I use that greeting too." She and Marcy then high-fived.

After this, Marcy's smile only grew, "I'm glad you all could make it. Are you all ready for this sleepover?"

Shaking her head, Luz replied, "Yup. I had one on the Boiling Isles, but this is the first time I'll get to do one on Earth."

Vee added, "And this will be my first sleepover ever."

Marcy stated, "Well then, will have to make it a good one."

As the teens entered, Vee returned to her true Basilisk form, while Amity and Willow took off their ear muffs and bandana that covered their pointy ears. Amity then turned to Mr. and Mrs. Wu and said, "Thank you for having us for the night, Mr. and Mrs. Wu."

Camila then entered and added, "Yes Thank you."

Mrs. Wu smiled, "It's our pleasure."

Marcy then said, "Come on guys, let's head up to my room so we can get this thing started."

As the five teens headed upstairs and left the adults alone, Camila asked, "Are you two sure you can handle four magical teens?"

Mrs. Wu reassured, "We handle Marcy just fine, so we can handle a few more."

Mr. Wu added, "Besides, we figure we owe the kids. Ever since we moved, Marcy has been having a really tough time adjusting, and we've been really worried about her. But your daughter and the others really make her happy and have helped her settle into this new town. We can't thank them enough."

Camila smiled, "Yeah, they are great kids. But I still can't help but worry about them with what they are doing."

Mrs. Wu nodded in understanding, "Yeah, we know how you feel. After we learned what happened in Amphibia to Marcy we've been really worried about her getting involved in another adventure like this."

Mr. Wu then added, as he put a comforting hand over his wife's shoulder, "But sometimes you gotta trust your kids to do what they think is right, and all you can really do is be there to support them and help however you can. Especially with how we've seen how Marcy has grown."

Looking down a bit, Mrs. Wu stated, "We didn't have the closest relationship with Marcy before Amphibia happened. We sometimes worked too much, sometimes we focused too much on her getting good grades rather than on her feelings."

With just as much shame as his wife, Mr. Wu added, "But, ever since she got back, we've been trying to be better at that, because we love her and care so much about her. And while she does still talk to Anne and Sasha a lot, we saw how sad the distance from them has made her, but your daughters and the others have really helped her and made her happy."

Mrs. Wu smiled at this, "And that's all that really matters. Despite the dangerous situation, Marcy is in, we're proud of her and she is so happy despite it all. So while part of us is worried sick about her, another part and a bigger part is just happy for her and will support her through all this no matter what because we see how important it is to her."

Camila looked a lot more reassured after hearing all of this, giving the other parents a grateful smile, "Thank you. That really helps to hear how other parents deal with all this craziness."

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