Battle for the Boiling Isles Part 1: Trapping the Trappers

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Luz and the others began to walk around the now barren desert-like wasteland that once was the Boiling Isles. Gus shockingly stated, "Look at all of this destruction."

Willow added, "It's horrifying."

Hunter looked sick upon looking at several of the petrified people around them. He eventually said, "We've got to find a way to fix this."

Amity nodded, "Yeah, but first we've got to see if we can find someone else." She began to look worried, "I hope my dad, Em, and Ed, are okay."

Luz put a comforting hand over Amity's shoulders and told her, "I know, sweet potato. I'm worried about Eda, King, Hooty, Lilith, Raine, and everyone else." She then looked at Amity with love and determination, "But we will find them and save everyone. Remember, we can fix this together."

Amity smiled and repeated, "We can fix this together."

Willow jumped back in, "That's great, but how are we going to find anyone? With how much this place has changed it's difficult to navigate."

The group began to think, when suddenly, Luz noticed something on the ground nearby and rush over to it. Following her, the others noticed what she saw, drops of red on the ground. Luz bent down to get a quick whiff of it. She smiled and said, "Apple Blood. And it's still somewhat fresh."

The others smiled, with Gus saying, "That could mean Eda is nearby."

Luz nodded, "Yup. We just got to find a way to track this stuff."

Hunter suggested, "We could have our Pailsmens try to track it."

Willow complemented, "Good idea."

The five of them turned their Pailsmen staffs back into their animal forms, and their Pailsmens quickly got to work, sniffing the drink on the ground, and then started off in the direction of the smell. The group kept walking for a bit, until Luz said, "I hope we're close to finding someone."

Just then, a spear landed on the ground right in front of the group. The kids turned their Pailsmen's back into staff form and took battle stances, forming a circle. The one who threw the spear revealed themselves, they were at the top of a nearby ridge, and it was the Titan Trapper, Terrick, who shouted, "For the Grand Huntsman!"

After that, several more Titan Trappers came from over the ridge and started surrounding the Hexside crew. As they did, Luz shockingly said, "The Titan Trappers!"

Amity asked, "Wait, these are the guys who you said killed all of King's species?"

Gus then asked, "How are they here?"

Willow added, "I thought you said King destroyed the portal between their dimension and the rest of the Boiling Isles?"

Luz nodded, "He did."

Hunter then theorized, "My best guess, given The Collector's power, he might have been able to free them again to help him."

Terrick told them, "Very astute. The Grands Huntsman freed us, and now Bill has told us to capture and or eliminate all of the Grands Huntsman's enemies to be given the great glory of having served the Grand Huntsman!"

Luz could only sigh, "Great. This is going to make the whole saving the day and stopping The Collector even more difficult."

A Trapper began to laugh, "Difficult? More like impossible. We've got you outnumbered."

Gus told them, "Maybe. But there's an old Human saying I heard while on Earth. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!"

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