A Date Human Style

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(Part of this opening bit is from a fan comic made by the great comic creator Morning Mark, which I think would work well as an intro to this episode. Link to this great story right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/vgm60j/kiss/)

At the Noceda household, Luz and Amity sat on the couch, going over an assortment of books. Eventually, Luz dropped a book into her lap, and frustratingly threw her hands onto her face, while exclaiming, "Ahh, it's been days, and we still haven't found anything that could help us get back to the Boiling Isles!"

Amity looked at her girlfriend and reassured her, "Luz, we will figure it out. We'll get back in no time." Luz turned to her and smiled at this. Smiling back, Amity suggested, "Hey, why don't we take a break to recharge." She then gave a sly smile, "A certain Human still owes me a mundane slice of life date they promised we'd go on."

Luz gave her own sly smile, and put her hand to her chin, "Don't worry, I've got you there, Boo." She got off the couch and held her hand to Amity while giving a slight bow, "Shall we get to it, m'lady?"

Amity gave a blush, a smile, and a small laugh, as she took Luz's hand, "Why of course we may."

Turning to the direction of the kitchen, Luz exclaimed, "Mom, me and Amity are going out. Will be back."

Her mother, Camila, could be heard from the other room saying, "Okay, just be safe, Mija."

A little while later, the two girlfriends were walking through the park, when they came up to a restaurant, Chimichurri Sandwiches, with Luz gleefully telling the young Witch, "This is my favorite place to grab a sandwich."

Once Luz lead her inside, Amity was in awww at the selection, as she said, "Wow. We defiantly don't have some of these things in our sandwiches back home." Luz smiled, and after the pair got their sandwiches, a side of fries, and a drink, sat down at a table. The pair was enjoying their food and when Amity took a sip of her drink her eyes widened in joy, "What is this?"

Luz smiled, "It's Soda." Her eyes then shined like stars, "The pride and joy of many teenagers on Earth." Amity smiled and went back to enjoying her drink. She then start eating some of her fries, but then an idea sparked in her head. Taking one of her fries, she held it out to Luz. Instantly realizing what was up, Luz's smile only grew, as she let Amity feed her the fry. After that, she took a fry of her own and held it up to Amity, "Only fair I do it to you too." Now it was Amity whose smile grew more. She let Luz feed her the fry, but after that, she swiftly kissed Luz's hand. The young Human blushed, "Amity."

Not losing her smile, Amity told her, "Never underestimate the ingenuity and determination of a Blight."

Luz happily told her, "Well played, m'lady." She then took Amity's hand and kissed it, "Well played indeed."

The two went back to happily enjoying their meal. After they finished they headed for the door. Once they were outside, they ran into a group of three girls about to head in; the one on the left was a girl with fair skin and brunet hair tied into a ponytail, in the center was a girl with tan skin and short blond hair which had a pink streak down the middle, and on the right was a girl with dark skin and dark hair tied into pigtails. The one in the middle was quick to address Luz, "Well, well, well, if it isn't the little weirdo."

Luz gave a nervous and somewhat fearful reply, "Oh, hi, Amy."

Amy snickered, "I'm surprised to see you at an ordinary place. Shouldn't you be behind some alley, playing by yourself?"

Amity was quick to step in between the two when she noticed Luz looking scared and sweating. She told the girl, "Hey! Leave her alone!"

"And you are?"

"I'm Amity! Luz's awesome girlfriend, who will not sit here while you be mean to her."

Amy gave a laugh, "Oh the little weirdo found a girlfriend. I'm guessing you're as weird as her. It's the only explanation for why you'd hang out with her. I mean just look at that necklace." She tried to poke Amity's eclipse necklace, but the young witch knocked her hand away.

Amity glared at her, "If you don't stop messing with Luz, I'm going to-."

She was stopped by Luz grabbing her arm and pleading, "Amity, please, let's not cause trouble."

Looking at her girlfriend, Amity sighed, "Alright." However, she also drew a tiny Spell Circle with her free hand, summoning a tiny Abomination by Amy's feet. The little creature got to work and started tying Amy's shoelaces together. Amity took Luz's hands with great care and love, and told her, "Let's head home."

The pair walked around Amy and her crew and began to leave. Amy looked pleased, but when she tried to walk forward to the door, she tripped and fell. As he friends helped her up, she looked down at her shoes and asked in anger, "How did my shoelaces get tied together!?"

Hearing her shout, Luz turned to Amity, who gave her a big knowing smile. Luz smiled back, leaned her head on Amity's left shoulder, and told her, "You're the best girlfriend ever."

Amity kissed Luz's forehead, "So are you. But I gotta ask, who was that girl?"

"Amy, one of many people at school who bullies me for being the way I am."

"Well, I hope she learned her lesson or next time I might have to make my Abomination scare her instead of just trip her." Luz gave a joyful laugh and the pair started to head back to the Noceda house.

(This ending bit is from a fan comic made by the great comic creator Morning Mark, which I think would work well as an ending to this episode. Plus, I really wanted to give this great work a fanfiction form. Link to this great story right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/vixllw/classic_luz/).

Sometime later, back at the Noceda household, Camila was in the living room when the door opened. She turned to greet the return of Luz and Amity but stopped in puzzlement when she saw Luz was covered in Abomination goop. Upon entering, Amity told Luz, "Now go get a shower."

Luz sighed and made her way upstairs, "Yes, Amity."

After Luz made it upstairs, Camila asked, "Why is Luz covered in purple goo?"

Amity gave a bit of a nervous chuckle, "Hehe, well, we were on our way back to the house, but-."


Luz and Amity were walking through town when they spotted an art project in the middle of town. The project was a roadway loop. Upon seeing it, Amity stated with confusion, "I don't understand these public arts."

Luz added, "Me neither."

Amity began to walk away, "Come on, let's go." Luz, however, stopped and began to look at the loop with interest, "Luz?" Luz began to line herself up with the start of the loop and started stretching her legs, "Oh, no. Please don't."

Luz confidently told her, "I can do this."

Worriedness continued in Amity's voice, "You are going to get hurt."

"No, I saw this in a video game before. The key is do not hesitate." She got her legs set up, "Ready! Go!" Sprinting forward, Luz began to run up the loop, only for her to fall once she got halfway up the top. Luckily, Amity quickly drew a Spell Circle to summon some Abomination goop for Luz to land on. The goop softened her landing and covered her in the stuff. She gave a thumbs up, "Thanks, Amity. I'm okay."

[End of Flashback]

After hearing the story, Camila started to laugh, "Oh my, why am I not surprised. Classic Luz."

Amity joined in the laughter, "I know right." Once the laughter died down, both of their faces turned serious, with Amity telling the older women, "Thanks for keeping her alive for so long."

Camila nodded and told her, "Please take good care of her for me."

This time Amity nodded, "I will."

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