Chapter 22

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"Hey Clint and Laura I'm sorry, but what's wrong?" Nat asked as she sat next to the couple.

"Kate is doing my head in. She doesn't calm down for any of us and all she wants to do now is sleep in Wanda and your room, we also were talking about if you would like to take her, where's getting pretty old to look after her now" Clint sighs looking at his best friend

"Oh yeah I'll take her if you really want me too"

"Please Natasha. You're a very good mother to Wanda and I want you to be the same with Kate" Laura smiled placing her hand on Nat's hand.

"Okay. It's done. I'll take Kate off your hands" Nat smiled at the married couple.

"Thank you so much Nat, take good care of her please" Laura smiled

"Of course-" Nat was cut off from Late running into the common room where Nat, Clint and Laura where all sat talking.

"Mama?" She asked pointing towards Nat

"Yes hunny Nat is your new mama" Laura smiled. Kate's face turned into a huge smile before she pushed Nat into her chair by hugging her.

"Woah okay thanks Kate" Nat chuckled. Both of the married couple laughed at the excited little.

"Where going to go call our kids see how they're doing" they both smiled looking at the redhead who was hugging the brunette.

Tony flew everyone on the Quinjet to an arcade place.

Yelena had been in a playful mood all night and all morning. She would giggle at everything her mama would do.

The little was placed on Pepper's hip. She wasn't very fond of it but yn stayed behind them making faces at the blonde. The girl loved it. Her giggles filling the silence of the team as they were walking around the amusement park. Everyone went on nearly every arcade game except Yelena and Pepper. Yn would go play some harder games but she had Yelena.

They were piling on the bowling alley waiting for their turns when Steve asked the Yn.

"You going to take your turn?" Yn nodded while the rest stayed back. Nat walked on her lane a began to take her shots.

Yelena pouted to see her mama leave her again. Her lip trembling. Pepper saw and bounced the girl a little. She sat on the seat and started to
make the girl laugh. Thankfully it worked. Yelena
placed her finger on Pepper's face.

Nat and Yn had brought the pushchair but Wanda was currently having a nap as she began to bite the team. Nat didn't want her to hurt any of the littles. Kate sat down next to Pepper and the little. She rubbed her eyes

"mama?" She asked quietly. Oh no. Pepper
thought to herself. Kate's fingers came to her
mouth but where stopped by the older woman's
hand and a Pacifier making her way to her lips by
Maria. Pepper smiled at Maria. The woman looked at Pepper and smiled.

The next time nat and yn where back with the rest of the girls, Wanda was wide awake fighting to get out of the pushchair until Maria helped her out.

Nat picked Kate up and placed her on her hip. Kate didn't like the pushchair and by the looks of it Wanda didn't either. Nat chuckled as Wanda smiled happily walking besides nat.

Yelena started to make grabby hands towards her mama until the brunette picked her up with a little spin. The blonde giggled. Resting her head on the older woman's shoulder until she latched on to her collarbone.

Yn rolled her eyes with a small smile and the team started to walk away when they saw that Yn had won the bowling. Yn or nat didn't bother going on any arcade games as they were lazy and the day out was supposed to be relaxing not act like big kids.

My baby girl <3 x Yelena Belova Where stories live. Discover now