Chapter 9

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"No Yelena just leave me alone" Kate shouted towards the blonde

"What I'm just sat here" Yelena argued back to her

"You're following me"

"No I'm not!"

"Why do you even care?

"What do you mean Kate?"

"Like, you're YN's little, but you try to hard to get close to Nat. She doesn't even know you"

"Natasha is my sister Kate..."

"She's your what?!" She screeched. Yelena flinched a little.

"Okay whatever Yelena. Just leave me alone. I don't like you"

"Why don't you like me. I've haven't done anything to you"

"Yes you have, existed"

"Woah, Kate that's a bit far" Wanda looked at the blonde who wiped her tears then back at the brunette.

"I don't care. She gets everything around here from everyone"

"So. She's a little little"

"I don't care. Before she even came here. I was the one getting spoilt from Yn mostly. But now I don't"

"Is someone jealous?" Bucky laughed as he walked into the common room where the littles where arguing.

"Shut up Bucky. But I am right thought ain't I?" She asks looking at Wanda and Bucky

Both of them shook their heads. Looking at the brunette. Bucky walked over to Yelena.

"Yelena are you okay?" He asked crouching down to face her. She shook her head.

"She can go back to the redroom for all I care. I don't want her here anymore!" Kate screeched running away from them.

Yelena brought her legs to her chest and silently cried.

"I'll go get Yn" Wanda spoke before running of to find the older woman.

"Yelena you need to calm down before you make yourself sick" Bucky warned the girl. Yelena got up off the couch running out the room.

Wanda came back with Yn a couple minutes later. Both women looked at Bucky.

"Where's Lena?" Yn asked looking at the brunette.

"I don't know she ran that was" he pointing towards the elevator. Yn sighed and walked towards the elevator. She pressed the up button going up to her room. She walked into the room and saw the blonde on the bed crying.

"Hey baby what's wrong?"

"Kate s-said that no one wants me h-here and t-that I-I s-should g-go back to the R-redR-Room" she sobs

"Oh baby. Everyone wants you here. Ignore what Kate says, she's jealous and you're not going back to that awful place okay" the blonde nodded sitting up a little her sobs increased.

Yn quickly picked Yelena up in her arms placing her head in her neck and began to bounce her around the bedroom patting her bottom.

Yn took a while to calm Yelena down. But now she was calm. Her fists clunched to the woman's shirt. Her head resting on her shoulder as she was suckling against her collarbone.

"Let's put you down for a nap bubs" Yelena whined, Yn walked over towards the bed. Picking out a pacifier out the basket before crawling on the bed with the little.

Yn rested Yelena against her chest slipping the pacifier against her lips. While playing with her hair. Yelena's eyes began to droop but quickly shot back open.

"Go to sleep baby girl"

"Me ba'y g''l?"

"Yes baby your baby girl, my baby girl"

Yn felt Yelena smile and cuddle up further into her. Her eyes closing until she fell asleep.

Yn quietly got from underneath the blonde placing pillows beside her so she won't roll off and began walking down to the common room where she saw Nat, Wanda, Bucky and Clint

"How's Yelena?" Wanda asked. Nat and Clint looked confused.

"She's okay. She's having a nap right now"

"What's wrong with Yelena?" Nat asked a hint of anger in her voice.

"Kate said she needed to go back to the redroom and that no one wanted her"

"Normally she would of retaliated" Nat said

"She was in between little and big so she wouldn't of" nat nodded. With a sigh.

"Where's Kate now?" Clint asks as he stood when Laura walked in

"I don't know. She was gone before I came to get Yelena"

"She went into the playroom Clint" Bucky spoke up.

"Okay I'll go find her" Clint walked out the room to go find Kate. Laura followed behind him.

"Hey" Steve smiled walking in to the room.

"Capsicle" Yn said


"I care because?"

"What crawled up your ass?"

"Nothing" Yn smiled innocently

"Alright. Come on Buck you're ready?"

"Yes Steve I'm coming"

"Where they going?" Wanda asked, as the men walked out the room.

"Mission" Yn responded. Wanda nodded sitting on Nat's lap watching the Tv that Nat had put on.

"Yn it seems that Yelena is in distress" Jarvis spoke up. Yn got up from her seat and walked up to her room. Seeing Yelena awake crying

"Baby girl what's wrong?" Yelena carried on to cry.

"Oh baby come here" Yn smiled sadly picking the girl up Resting her on her hip.

Yn walked out the room as she pushed the pacifier in to the girls mouth who calmed down. She walked to the kitchen and began to make her bottle. She grabbed the MAM bottle, she put it in the microwave to warm it up before handing it to Yelena.

Yelena didn't grab it so Yn made her way to the couch next to Wanda and Natasha. She laid Yelena in her arms taking the pacifier out and replaced it with the bottle.

"Aww look at her" Nat cooed. Looking at her Nike clothes. Yelena whined but carried on drinking her milk holding on Yn's fingers that was holding on to the bottle.

"GUYS!" Peter shouts running in

"What?" Yn sighs

"Where's going on holiday!"

"Where to?"

"I don't know yet. Just Tony said where going away"

Both Yn and Nat nodded. Yelena was asleep again so Yn pulled the bottle out of her mouth and replaced it with her pacifier.

"You telling people the secret Parker?" Tony asked through the speaker phone.

"Sorry mr Stark" he apologised

"You can't keep secrets can you Parker?" Yn asked. He blushed and shook his head.

"Okay well now it's in the open I'm going to go pack for it. See you ladies"

"Bye Parker" both women said.

Both women held there sleeping littles as they continued to watch the tv.

"Give me the remote" Yn groaned. Had enough of the show nat was watching. Nat refused to give her the remote and took it herself using her powers.

Yn put on YouTube and put on 'Smashing'.

"Not this again Reyes" nat whined. Yn chuckled.

"He's funny shut the fuck up"

"Okay what ever" nat sighed sitting back and watching the screen. Yn laughed half of the time. Nat would also laugh even though she didn't like the YouTubers.

My baby girl <3 x Yelena Belova Where stories live. Discover now