Chapter 7; get ready!

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"Will you look at me, little one?" Bucky nudged.

"What do you want me to say? What are you going to say?" Alex scoffed as he turned to him.

"I know that I'm dating a playboy who has probably had twelve girls in one night at the same time," he waved, "but it's not something I don't like to think about."

"Even if it was with men, that would still be weird."

"The most I've ever had in one night at the same time was three." He held up his fingers.

"Okay, well, including me," he pondered, "but that's not the point." He shook around to get back on topic.

"I get it. You're a playboy. Or you used to be one."

"I just... I need to go to work and forget about last night." He shrugged.

"Alex, it didn't mean anything. With them, it was just meaningless sex." Bucky rushed after him.

"You said you had that too."

"I had it with one person." Alex turned to the soldier before he got in his car.

"Besides, you charm people. You flirt and you woo all those women. Most of the time, you probably make it seem like you're interested in them just to get into their pants. I never did. I was outright and everyone knew that it was just sex."

"How many of those girls that you slept with genuinely thought you were interested in them?"

"Hmm?" He leaned closer when he didn't get a response.

"I have to go to work, Bucky."

"I'll see you tonight. I'm going over to Bruce's to help him with physics. I'll see you after. Bye." He waved and got in to leave.

"I'm gonna kill Steve Rogers." Bucky gritted.


"Look, he's probably slept with every girl in town. Well, that's straight. I say dump him."

"Loki," Alex sighed and gave his friend a look, "wait, what are you doing at my work anyway?"

"Oh, yeah. I wanted to surprise you. You wanted to meet Michael." Loki smiled.

"This is Michael." He gestured.

"Hi, I'm Alex."

"Hi. Loki told me so much about you." Michael gaped.

"Nothing bad. Don't worry." He nudged.

"Guess what. Guess what." Loki bounced.


"Michael is also a man of science." Loki smiled.

"I'm getting my master's in astrodynamics." Michael waved.

"Loki, must you tell everyone that?" He nudged.

"It's hot." Loki shrugged, then kissed him and sat him in one of the seats.

"Do you need a job?" Alex turned to the stranger.

"This is NASA. We can always use astrophysicists around here."

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all." Alex smiled.

"Here. I can take you up to meet my boss. He might be able to find something for you to do."

"Oh, now? Okay, uh, how do I look?"


"Loki." Michael scoffed.

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