Over Again

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Krystal's p.o.v.

Those 2 days passed in a blur and I had no idea how. All I know is that one afternoon I woke up to the sound of my door-bell with an over-excited Leila screaming at me to get ready for the concert. And then I rushed to the concert wearing an 'I love brunettes' sheer crop top which Leila got me and high waisted shorts.

The concert was everything I expected it to be and more. I would have loved it even more if I didn't have history with one of their members. The arena was filled with 13 year old hormonal girls with boards such as 'Liam fucked me 10x0 times' and 'I want your gravy Harry' which made me laugh. Hormonal wasn't the word to describe them.

"This song is for someone special. Someone who I loved, someone whom I lost. I love you baby, I'm so sorry" There were tears in his eyes. It looked like he was ready to flood the entire arena. Where was his girlfriend, did he cheat on her too? "I wonder who he's talking about!" Leila yelled trying to be heard on top of the screaming girls. Me? Pssht, stop dreaming Krystal. Its over.

Not everyone recognised me as the girl who dated Niall Horan for a month cause all our pics together weren't that clear. I was thankful that none of my friends knew. Leila, Jace, Matt, his girlfriend Delaney and I were dangerously close to the stage but I couldn't do anything about it. Leila wanted to, and I quote,'Breath the same air as them.' Jace had his hand on my waist keeping me close to him most of the time. Leila and Delaney were screaming their guts out like the other girls. Everyone was swaying their hands in the air while the boys started singing spaces.

Who's gonna be the first one to start the fight?
Who's gonna be the first one to fall asleep at night?

I'd be blind to say he wasn't crying. It was bugging me from the start. I wanted to know the reason but who could I ask?

Who's gonna be the last one to drive away?
Who's gonna be the last one to forget this place?

I always loved Louis' voice. It was so angelic and pure, like something that was made in heaven.

We keep taking turns. Ohh.
Will we ever learn?

Ohhh. Spaces between us, keep getting deeper
It's harder to reach ya'
Even though I try
Spaces between us, hold all our secrets
Leaving us speechless and I don't know why
Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?

There was a certain passion in each of their voices that made hearts race. Like they meant every single word that they sang. Niall as usual kept looking around for someone in the crowd.

Who's gonna be the first one to compromise?
Who's gonna be the first one to set it all on fire?

For once, I'm going to forget I ever knew them. Tonight I'm going to live like I never did before.

Who's gonna be the last one to drive away?
Forgetting every single promise we ever made.

Larry <3 I wonder how they must all be doing..

Ohhh. Spaces between us, keep getting deeper
It's harder to reach ya'
Even though I try
Spaces between us, hold all our secrets
Leaving us speechless and I don't know why
Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?

That passion stabbed my heart ever single time, I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes.

"I love Niall so much!" Leila sniffed. "I love him too. I wanna just take him home with me" Delaney screamed making both the boys roll their eyes at her. "I love him more than I want to" I smiled. As if magically hearing those words, Niall's eyes met mine.

We keep taking turns. Ohh. Will we ever learn?
When will we learn?

Ohhh. Spaces between us, keep getting deeper
It's harder to reach ya'
Even though I try
Spaces between us, hold all our secrets
Leaving us speechless and I don't know why
Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?

Of all the people in the crowd why did he have to see me tonight? Relief and something else was what I noticed when he looked at me. He refused to take his eyes of me and sent me a heart melting smile.

"Omg! He's looking at you bitch!" Leila squealed while nudging me in the ribs. Why cant I hate him? I want to punch him but the thought of hurting him hurts me too. His smile was one of love and pleading something that I didn't understand. Why was he happy to see me? This night is gonna be the worst night for me, I'm sure of that.

Who's gonna' be the first to say goodbye?
The spaces between us
The spaces between us
The spaces between us
The spaces between us "I love you" He whispered at the end making all the girls go mad and scream. Some even screamed I love you back too him. My inner bitch wanted to laugh at them and tell them that he wasn't saying it to them but I managed to shut up. Wouldn't wanna die at a concert now would I?

All of the boys turned to look at what he was looking at and broke into grins when their eyes landed on me. Niall looked at me as if I were a miracle. I wanted to run away and hide in the darkest corner of the earth but with a crowd like this I knew it impossible.

The concert was almost coming to an end making me nervous. Jace noticed this and placed a hand on my shoulder making Niall frown at him. Was he jealous? The hell he was! I didn't hate him but I sure as hell wasn't the type of girl who would go running back into his arms.

"Yeah I'm fine" I pulled him in for a hug. I could feel Niall's gaze burning holes in my back but I chose to ignore.

"Alright everyone, this song is for someone close to all of us! Sweetheart I'm not gonna make it obvious as to who and where you are but just know that we all miss you" Liam smiled at the crowd. So Niall lured him on his side too. Okay then.

" 'Tis Girl Almighty everyone!" Harry screamed as he drank water from his stupid water bottle and threw it in the crowd. Of course he would aim it at me.. what the actual fuck was their problem?! There was a note attached to it. When did he do this?

[ Nice to see you again. You're not leaving without speaking to one of us okay? Meet me after the concert, I'll get a guard to escort you.

P.S. You look hot in that sheer top. Trying to give me competition eh? ;) ]


I gave the bottle to Leila which she gladly accepted and nodded at Harry. My mom always says that we should give a person the chance to explain themselves and only then make a decision.

So maybe I would talk to Harry tonight.

Lol such a stupid chapter!😂

Anyways, regarding the twitter fight between Naughty Boy and Zayn V/sLouis who do you people support?

I'm gonna have to say Lou of course. Why did Zayn even leave, he sure as hell didn't want normality. And whats up with that bastard to continuously taunt us directioners and 1d members?

P.S. Have a laugh now..
"Naughty boy had to leak his own song cause he doesn't have fans"

"Niall has more tattoos than Naughty boy,fans"

But seriously though, he spends five years with the guys, so many laughs, so many memories and then dumps it all for the chipotle burrito boy?

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