Right Now

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6 months later..

Krystal's p.o.v.

6 months. 6 fucking months since I last saw him.

I still remember him holding my hand as we entered the party. Everyone had their eyes set on us. Everything was perfect until I walked in on him kissing Ellie. It broke my heart badly, in a way that no one could fix. I wrote him a letter and left without seeing him.

I'm not in touch with any of them including Niall who didn't even call or text me to apologise. According to them he has moved on, I know he has. Its almost a week since I last spoke to Eleanor.

Everything crashed down on me that day. After the party instead of going to my house I went to Joan's apartment. We collected my stuff from my home and fled back to Australia instead of waiting for his friends wedding. Things weren't good there. The others would always ask about Niall and I and I'd have nothing to say. I was tired of living as his girlfriend. I wanted to be me, Krystal Evans once again.

After discussing with my parents I decided that it was best for me to move on. To be away from all the mess I had created for myself. I flew to America and have been living in New York for the past months. No one except my parent know where I am, not even Joan.

I left my job as a tv star and am currently working at a bakery near my 1bedroom apartment. I missed Niall at the start but I know I can never have him.He was never mine. I cant help but hate him for what he did to me. Just because I was a girl who was head over heels in love with him didn't mean that he could use me.

Yeah so anyways, things were great so far until Eleanor and Louis invited me to their destination wedding after 2 weeks in Paris. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them but I know he'll be there as well as Ellie. I'll have to suck it up and go, I cant ditch their wedding.

As I said, I've moved on and I don't want anything to do with One Direction or Niall Horan anymore.

Meet the new Krystal Evans, shoulder length hair (wavy as usual) with royal blue hair tips, perfect figure and everything ( since I starved myself the first few weeks) and confident (as I never was before).

There was a One Direction concert at Maddison Square Garden in two days which means the boys are already here. I've never been to any of their concerts and I know I'll have to face them at one point or the other so might as well start with only me seeing them. I'll take one of the back rows anyways.

The doorbell rung all of a sudden. I ran and opened it with just my robe on and wet hair. "Hey! We're already late come on fast!" Leila rushed inside and plopped down on my sofa. I've made a few friends who I can trust and Leila just happens to be my most trusted friend after Joan and Eleanor.

"Hello?!Earth to Krystal!" She waved her hand in front of me. I chuckled, Niall did this the first time I met him too. Ugh! I'm remembering the devil again.

"Yeah gimme 5 minutes!" I ran to my room and dressed up quickly. My shift is from 8am to 4pm after that all of us just hang out for maybe an hour and then I come home and just pass time somehow.

I pulled on a white summer dress even though it is monsoon, wore my nude flats, applied makeup and ran out with Leila. "Leave the peanut butter and come on, we're late!" She yelled from the doorway. I rolled my eyes and walked out.

It was just a 5 minute walk so we reached fast. We were greeted by Mr.Anderson who might I say was as old as Gandhi. Literally. But he's a sweet man. I smiled at him and then went and put on my apron that said 'I'm just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin'. Where as Leila had an apron that said 'Bakers gonna bake'. Mr.Anderson was kind enough to allow us to design our own aprons.

Our first customer entered and made way to a table at the corner. His name was Jace. He's the complete Mr.Perfect of what I can tell. He got that jet black hair and green piercing eyes that made girls come to the bakery just so they could look at him. Did I forget to mention that he's Mr.Anderson's grandson?

He never paid much attention to all the female attention anyways. He smiled and gave me a nod so I walked up to him but as usual something bad had to happen. I slipped but before I could fall he caught me. One hand around my waist and the other below my head, we just looked at each other until someone coughed.

I looked up to Mr.Anderson who was giving us a knowing look causing me to roll me eyes. I don't think I'm ready for something else. Yeah the guy is nice and cute but something just feels wrong. "I-Um sorry I mean thank you." I blurted out. He chuckled and waved it off.

"One cinnamon donut and a coffee" He smiled at me.

"Sugar?" I smirked.

"Yes, please" He chuckled.

"Oye Adam Levine, take the order and come back here!" Matt called out from the reception. He and his blonde jokes..

"Hey wait!" Jace called from behind. "Yep?" I replied. "Do you fancy going to a concert with me?" He asked nervously.

"Is this your way of asking me out?" I chuckled. Boys will be boys after all. "Depends. Is it working?" He smirked. Of course I couldn't say no to him. He's a sweetheart! But why was he interested in me? Now, now, I'm not gonna give that I'm-Nothing-Special shit cause heres the truth- I AM SPECIAL. Maybe months ago I would laugh but I've learned that its best to love yourself no matter how many flaws you have.

"It just might be." I smiled and walked back to the counter and gave Matt his order. "Details woman!" He whisper yelled. This, was one of my lunatic friends.

"One Direction concert" I said venomously. I love the boys but I don't know what will happen if they see me again even by mistake.

Niall's p.o.v.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't loose her, she was all I had. But I had to. She might have believed that she loved me but I knew it was not true. She loves me as a singer not as me, not as Niall. I was a fool to think that someone could love me for myself. I'm just an idiot who believes in fairytales. I don't have a princess coming for me.

"Niall bro are you okay?" Zayn asked while walking up to the mirror and checking himself out. He's beautiful even without trying and then there is me. Why would she love someone like me when she could have Harry?

"Of course, are the others ready?" I asked while fixing my tie. For the first time I was wearing a formal attire to a party. Our welcome party.

My plan was simple for that night 6 months ago, make Krystal realise that I didn't want her. It was for her own good. It hurt her but it was for the best.

I know I love her, I really do but that was for the best. I know she has someone waiting for her somewhere. Someone who can actually spend time with her and love her unconditionally. I wish I could have her. I want her but thats another thing. She'll never truly be mine.

I've been dating Ellie for a while now. She's a nice girl but she's just not Krystal. I've tried searching for her but I don't know where she is.. just where the hell do broken hearts go?

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