Save you Tonight...

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*Krystal's p.o.v.*

Damn.My whole body felt sore.I didn't wanna open my eyes. I didn't wanna know where I was .I didn't wanna feel the pain and most of all I didn't wanna die.But I had to. Having no other option I opened my eyes and immediately I felt adrenaline rush through my entire body.

I felt weak.I looked around surprised to be in my own apartment. I stayed quite for a moment realising no one was there then got up and looked at myself-A small bruise near my lip.wait what-lip? And my legs were tied together, obviously I didn't realise that and ended up falling on the cold floor.Something was definitely wrong. Why would a person knock me out and then do nothing?

I looked in the mirror-'. YOU SHALL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE STOLEN' Again,what did I steal? I tried going down my memory lane trying to remember all the possible things that I stole from people.

My brothers share of cake.My best friends favourite bracelet. NIA's phone... kris's have you seen my phone? -Nah I didn't it must be around,don't worry. -I was texting a friend,well maybe more than a friend and then I was called. When I came back it went missing. -(yeah i'd taken it and then I remember texting that guy and setting up a date for the two of them.The two of them made a ridiculously odd couple.

I found myself smiling remembering all that crazy stuff. Stupid of me right? Yeah,pretty much.

The front door had opened and a girl had come in -probably a 15yr old looking at the way she dressed. She face me an evil look before stepping inside the kitchen.I suddenly noticed that she was wearing an I Love Niall T-shirt . So this is what all this was about.And what's even better is that she entered the kitchen. Yeah probably gonna slit my throat .But she simply came out with a cookie in a hand and left.

Then after about 40 mins after I finished bathing just before I could call Niall the bell rang. I opened it.Again no reply. Another note-"Get ready to face your worst nightmare." Again someone banged something on my head and I fainted.

Got up after what felt like days .. Realising I was in the Hospital with someone resting on the stool next to me. Blonde hair. Why of course,Niall! "Niall!" I cried with tears in my eyes
"Hey you're awake. What happened? How are you feeling love? He asked with a concerned look. "I don't know. I Uuh don't remember much . " after Narrating my full story to Niall he simply told me that there were no lipstick written words on the mirror or any notes or ropes at my apartment. He had simply found me unconcious.It probably must have just been a dream. Seeing how freaked out I was Niall told me that I shouldn't live alone and I should probably move in with the lads for a while. "Do I have an option?" I asked , knowing the answer already. "Not really.*winks* I must go and ask the doctor about when you will get discharged" I nodded and after he left the room and convinced my self that it was just a dream.So with that I guess Ill be moving in with the lads for a while. Though Ive met them only a few times but we all seem to get along well.Especially Louis and I and Eleanor of course :P

Well next time Ill give you'll a flash back of Krystal's first meeting with the boys :) Its gonna be fun..!!!

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