Nobody compares to You

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Just a reminder that this is a flashback of how Krystal first met the lads :)

*Niall's p.o.v.*
Its been two days since I seen Krys. I didn't really have much time. But when an interview got cancelled we had the day free to do whatever we wished too.Zayn left for a romantic weekend with Perrie . Liam took Sophia shopping and Eleanor was at her Mom's place so she couldn't spend the day with Lou.

So Lou and I decided to just laze around the whole day.Nothing new anyways.Hazza? Yeah,Im coming to that. Well it suddenly occurred to me that even I had a girlfriend. Since Lou didn't wanna stay home alone he suggested that I called Krystal over. So I did.

*Krystal's p.o.v.*
For starters,Niall invited me over to their place to spend the day.I hesitated but anyways said okay.Umm my first thought is....what should I wear? I opened my closet to only find stacks of clothes pilled up and kept. Digging Through it I found my perfect outfit.

A black halter top and dip-dyed shorts.I quickly put on a hairband,perfume and white vans. It was 9:57am. Niall would be here by 10. Before rushing out I quickly picked up an energy bar and went down and waited for Niall.

10:05 ..... 10:15...10:20 no sign of Niall anywhere. Anyways just as I was about to go back to my room I seen Niall's car pull over in the driveway and he quickly rolled down the window, gave me an'Im extremely sorry'look and signalled for me to hop it.

It was a 20 minute drive which we just spent bickering about which song was better..'Don't Stop' by 5sos or 'Wild heart' by The Vamps. Well obviously being the girl with those cute lil puppy eyes I won.

We were outside the house waiting for the door to be opened.The door was opened by Boobear :)

"Hey love" he smiled sweetly and pulled me in for a hug.
"Hey Lou. You look great!" I teased. He was just in his boxers which were really kiddish but cute. He smiled,obviously embarrassed and lead me to the living room. It was huge! Such a big house for just these five? Before I could ask anything Niall said he'd go make us his special Bacon and Ham sandwich and Lou said that he'd go and help Niall, telling me i was free to wander around a bit.

Suddenly the door bell rang and I went to open it. It was Harry.He was probably wasted.With some whore with him. He nodded at me probably thinking that Im a prostitute or something and nodded at me to follow him. Weird. '2day's gonna be fun. Two chicks at once.' He's totally got me wrong!

I turned to leave before I felt two arms slide around my waste and stop me.

"Umm Harry,Im Krystal.Niall's girlfriend. "Fuck. Im so sorry Krystal .Please don't tell Niall about this he'll be mad as hell." "don't worry,I wont .I think I should leave*awkward* Uhh you take care yeah?" I said before turning around and walking towards the kitchen.Deeply thinking about what just happened.

Crap. I just walked into a glass door. Lou turned behind and started laughing his sassy ass off. "Niall you've definitely found your perfect mate" he said trying not to laugh.
"Yeah I know and I love her alot." He said before coming and hugging me from behind.

Niall was still trying to fry the bacon,while Lou and I just chatted about Random things.All of a sudden Lou reached out for a bottle of water and emptied it entirely on Niall.We both started laughing hard before Niall turned around obviously not happy with this whole thing. "Who in heaven's name did that?" "Don't mind mate . Krystal did it" wait what! Krystal did it? Bastard. "No I didn't" Niall immediately grabbed a bucket filled with water from below the sink and threw it on me. "Eeewww!!!" I screamed before reaching out for a towel and wipe my face. "Louis William Tomlinson you are soo dead!"

I chased Lou with a whole bottle of cold water,around the whole house.Finally he ran into a room ,me following him and ran into the washroom forgetting to lock it. I opened the door quickly ...the bathroom was huge! Spotting Lou a few steps away i opened the bottle and flung the entire thing on him. "Holy shit" he screamed, before an evil grin appeared on his face "not gonna get away with this Ms.Evans" he said before lifting the shower handle and all the water fell out harshly on me.

"You son of a bi- "What on earth is happening here?!" Harry yelled from outside."Umm I needed to wash my hands and by mistake I uuhh lifted the shower handle and uhh yeah."

"Ooh .You should probably change.Im assuming you don't have any extra clothes. I looked at myself in his mirror. I was soaking went.Tommo's gonna pay for it! "Yeah I suppose I could borrow something" "Sure" he said smiling sweetly.Awww! Those cute lil dimples of his!

I quickly changed into the black shirt harry gave me and wore my same shorts. Niall was annoyed with Lou for wetting me but gave in later.

I went down to find the three lads discussing about our water fight and laughing. They all were so perfect <3 Niall seen me and smiled.I took a seat and then began eating the sandwich Niall made me. "Yummmmm! You've got some serious hidden talent Niall!" "Hey I helped him too!"Lou whined from behind, carrying four glasses of tang in a tray.

"Yeah,of course" i said sarcastically and Harry and Niall grinned at the now annoyed Boobear. "So Krystal, wanna watch a movie with us or something?" "Cool,Im fine with anything" 'Just not a horror movie'I muttered to myself. "Annabelle,Perfect!" Lou said . All of them got really excited .I didn't wanna say no so I timidly agreed.

Well,you can imagine that I cuddled with Niall the whole movie and hid my face on his chest most of the time.Damn.He was enjoying it but I was all chickened up.

I got nature's call(If you know what I mean!) so I got up and decided to use the washroom in the nearest room. It was really dark and the lights were off I didn't really bother to switch them on.After using the washroom I came out only to find a lady standing in the dark and staring at me.

'Its your call Krys.Maybe god needs you on top'I muttered under my breath but the lady in the dark seemed to hear me and laughed.It was quite Creepy.

Nice? Ill continue the flashback in the next chapter!

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