Hero : (Gohan x reader) part 2

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The events of last night still fresh in your mind as you make your way to school, You pat your backpack to ensure that the carefully packaged box of sandwiches haven't tumbled as you left home. I hope enjoys them...its not much but i want to thank him for saving my life.

Of course, you have many questions you wanted to ask him, How was he able to fight like that? Is he even human? He certainly looks human, but what you saw last night was anything but that. Are there any classes that we share? Im certain there has to be at least once. The sound of bells ringing in the distance jolted you from your thoughts, You quicken your pace as you make your way to the first class of the day.

(Time skip)

The bell rings signaling lunch break has begun, You made your way through the sea of students towards the cafeteria. You search through each tables as you try to find Gohan, getting weird looks as you asked the students if sitting with them. Not getting any answers, You decide to look outside in the yard.After some quck glances,you spot him sitting under a tree seemly deep in thought. Walking towards him with your gift in hand, you hesitated to disturb him. As if he sensed your presence, Gohan looked your way and flashed you a bashfull smile. "O-oh (Y/N)!"

"Do you mind if I join you?"

"Yes..- I mean No! Of course not!" Gohan fumbled as a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. "Have you eaten lunch yet?" you said as you sat down next to him.

"It's funny you should bring it up because I left mine at home today." In embarrassment, he scratched the back of his head. you handed him the lunch box, "Actually, I brought you something" You sat down next to him and leaned in close, "It's to thank you for saving me last night. His ears became bright pink as he eagerly opened the lunch box. " Wow, this looks delicious!" he hurriedly shoved a sandwich into his mouth.

You laughed as your cheeks heated up at the compliment. "I'm glad you like it, I didn't know what you liked so I kinda created different kinds to see-" You suddenly stopped talking when you have noticed that he was finished them almost in an instant. i made 10 of those.... i wanted to try one ;-; "- I would have prepared more if I had known you were going to be this hungry." you continued saying teasenly

He laughed nervously as he wiped away some crumbs on his cheek. "well working out makes you have a big appetite ?" He muttered out weakly as you shook head in disagreement.

"From what i seen its a bit more than just working out " you said unconvinced

He looked around before sighing in defeat. "It's a long story.."

Wow...so that group of men at the cell games were your dad and your friends?" You said in astoundishment, you never would have guessed that his father is a alien warrior and that he and his friends saved the earth countless of times. It's hard to fully understand but after witnessing last night's events, you have no choice but to believe it.

" But wait if that's true then...you are the one who saved the earth that day!" You exclaimed as Gohan swiftly shushed you . "Not so loud, I don't want anyone to know." you looked at him defiantly " But it's not fair Mr. Hercule took credit for something he didn't do" Gohan chuckled and just looked up towards the sky "We never did it for fame or fortune much to my mothers dismay" He chuckled a bit

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