Loveable Goof (Goku x reader) : part 1

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Y/N = Your name

"Wow Y/N you are getting the hang of this pretty quickly!" I look up to see Goku smiling at me while stretching his arms slightly. A few weeks ago i decided to ask him to train me in some of the basics. He was excited to hear and quickly agreed, happy that he has another training partner besides Vegeta.After a few hours of training,we decided to take a small break before we start again. I let out a chuckle " It's nothing compared to're leagues above me!"

Goku walks closer and offered his hand. " What do you mean? You have been amazing so far! Haven't you noticed I've been using more of my power every time we have been training?" I slowly got up with goku's help, looking into his eyes as he grins
" You have been keeping up with me this whole time and never giving up once!" Goku still keeping his hand in mines, squeezes it slightly. " I know you have the potential to become a great fighter so don't sell yourself so short okay?" I was speechless , feeling my face turn bright red as I process his words. "D-do you really think so?" Embarrassed in the fact that he still holding my hand, not that I didn't like it.

Not even batting and eye to his actions he just laughed and grinned at me. " I know it!" I stared at him in slight awe, never could have thought that I will be friends with someone so powerful yet silly and optimistic. His carefree attitude is one of the many things that i admire about him. As we spend more time together, I started to notice that my feelings growing more than just admiration. He lets go of my hand, snapping me out of my thoughts. "All right let's-" He was cut off by the sound of his stomach growling loudly.

I raise an eyebrow at him as he scratches his head, laughing "looks like all this training has gotten me a little hungry" I giggle at him hearing his stomach growl again."I think you are more than just a little hungry Goku" I place my hand on his arm softly as I smile brightly at him." How about we call it a day and get something to eat? It will be my treat!" His eyes light up as in excitement as he leans in close to my face "Really??" I turn my head to the side as i try to hide my blush from him. "O-of course.."

He let's out a small cheer and already starts to take off to the sky. I stand still trying to calm my heart beat as I look up to him grining. " Y/N! Are you with me?" I just laugh and smiled softly back "I always will..." replying softly as I follow after him.

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