A Blooming Emotion (Broly x reader): part 1

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Hi everyone! Finally decided to update! I know this isn't the yandare broly fic but after watching the movie and seeing how cute he is I couldn't help my self! I promise to get to it soon as well as other request I have received. Until then I hope you enjoy this one)

Are you sure this a good idea (Y/N)?"

You turn to see Krillin lookin like he ate something spoiled as you smiled at him.

"For the last time I will be fine, you know I can handle myself just fine. You make it seem like I'm going into battle!" You tried walking forward but to be stopped by Krillin who stepped in front of you.

" I don't know (Y/N) this Broly guy could snap at any moment and I don't want you to get hurt!" Y

ou sighed as you adjusted your hold on a bag of snacks.

"I appreciate your concern but as a my friend you should trust me, besides I think we should give him a chance."

Without another word you head out towards the back of Capsule corp.

It been a few months after the battle between Broly and your friends. You were very curious about him when you first laid eyes on him, having a feeling that he wasn't all what he appear to be. Losing hope you would never see him again, He suddenly decided to visit earth along with Cheelia and Lemo.

To your surprise They decide to stay on earth for a while, Cheelia and Lemo very interested in the capcel Goku gave to them and wanted to know see for them self where they come from. While Bulma was showing them around the  Capsule Corps you noticed Broly sitting by himself as it seems that everyone was keeping there distance from them.

You cautiously walked up to him, not wanting to disturb him as he turns his head in your direction observing you . Even with him sitting down his height towers yours making you feel nervous.

"Hi broly I'm surprised Goku hasn't challenged you to fight when you first arrived!" He nods slightly " He is busy today..." Your eyes widen in shock What could it be that he would skip on a fight?? " Something about Chichi.."

You laugh as you walked closer to him. "Oh well that explains it! His wife is someone not even Goku doesn't want to be on her bad side" He nods again and he faces you with a blank look.

"I don't think we have been properly introduced, my name is (Y/N) sorry if everyone is kinda giving you the cold shoulder. They are just nervous that's all." Broly shakes his head a bit seemingly understanding the reason. You decided to sit down next to him, making sure to give him plenty of space.

You place the bag onto your lap and pulled out a bag of (F/C). Feeling Broly eyeing the bag, you open it up and taking a piece to show him. " You haven't been on earth long so I wanted to share some of my favorite snacks! If you are anything like Goku or Vegeta then I know you guys love to eat!"

He stared at the piece and sniffed it, seeing it was safe took a bite. His eyes almost light up in happiness as he takes the bag and scarfs it's contents down. " I take it that you like it right?" You say in a teasing manner as he looks at bag checking if there is anymore left inside.

" That was good..." He turn to you his face you and bowed his head slightly. "..Thank you very much.." You smiled at him as he looked unsure "It was no trouble Broly! Are you thirsty?" You take out a bottle of green tea and handed to him "Here" He carefully holds it, tilting the bottle curiously. "What is this?"

" This is called tea, it is a very common beverage here on earth. I'm guessing they don't have that from were you come from huh?" He nods as he carefully opens the bottle and takes a sip. In seconds he finishes the bottle as he let a small sigh, "That was good tea.."

You giggled as you stretched your arms " I'm feeling a bit stiff...do you want to walk with me? I want to show you Bulma's garden if that's okay with you.."

He was silent for a moment as he stared at you with a blank expression. Your heart sank as you felt stupid asking him such a question why would want to walk with me??? Before you could mentally scold yourself any further , Broly nods and stands up. You grinned at him as you got up as well " Let's go!"

You two made your way to the entrance of the Garden, where a large fountain was the center of it all. There were rose bushes  that outlined the area. You never noticed how large the whole place really is, variety of flowers that were in season surround the two of you.

Taking the lead, you two slowly walked around as you let Broly take in his surroundings. You glanced at him as his usually serious expression soften as he stared at the flowers curiously. He picks one off crushing it in the process, he looks worried as he tries to fix it.

" I didn't mean to-" you stand next to him and take the flower from him, noticing how small your hand is compared to him. You picked off another flower. " Flowers are very delicate things..you have to be more gentle when handling them.." You then placed the flower on his opened palm, smiling softly.

He slowly closed his palm holding it, trying not to crush it again. You giggled as you stared at him A super strong sayian that can wipe out planets is trying not to hurt a flower...He is actually kinda cute- you felt your face heat up at the thought as Broly looks at you slightly confused.

You nervously pointed to another flower, hopefully drawing his attention from your face. Luckily it worked as he went to take a closer look. This went on for a bit as you explained each flower he pointed to. You never thought you would have a chance to be with him like this, didn't even think he would even be interested in flowers. As you were explaining about what they are you suddenly heard a very loud growl. You looked around quickly trying to find what made that noise to see broly holding his stomach. On cue you Bulma's voice yelled.  out as you two towards her as she waves her hands.

"Hey you two Lovebirds! dinners ready!" You blushed as you yelled back

"B-Bulma!..We're going!" You turned to look at Broly shyly. " I bet your starving huh?..Sorry for wasting your time..it must have been boring huh?.." You turned around and started to head towards the house until you felt a large hand on your shoulder.

"Can we do this..again..?" You faced him as he looks at you with such a hopeful expression that it makes your heart skip a beat. Your blush deepens as you happily agreed. You lead him to the house as Bulma gives you a knowing smirk.

That was a bit short but i hope you guys like it so far 😣

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