Birthday Present (Vegeta x reader)

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F/C = favorite color

F/M = favorite meal

Y/N = Your name

Sticking by the Z Warriors hasn't been the smoothest ride but you would have it any other way. They are now practically family and being the great friends they are they decided to throw a big party in honor of you birthday. You gasp slightly at the sight of the large tables of food and dessert alike, including your (F/M) it was decorated with your (F/N) Along with colorful lights and music you felt like you entered a different world.You turn to Bulma who was right behind you smiling at your reaction " What do think? Great right?"

"Bulma this is amazing! You didn't have to go to all trouble for me" she just smiles and gives me a hug " Don't even worry about it! Its the least I can do for my bestie" you hugged her back thanking her. " I gotta go make sure Goku doesn't eat all the food" She leans close to my ear and whispers "Good luck with the prince of all grumpy~" you blushed and stutter a response "B-Bulma!" She just laughs and walks away, seeing Goku going at the the food. You were surprised to find out that She knew about your crush on Vegeta even more when she was fine and supports it.

She and Vegeta decided to break up but it was a mutual understanding. They both  respected each others decision and just carried on with their lives. You weren't sure if it was his confidence or his bold attitude that you found very attractive, not to mention his muscular body. You heard your name as you see Krillin and Android 18 bring in a large (f/C) cake. " Come on Y/N! Its time to cut the cake!" As everyone gathers around the cake, you notice that Vegeta wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Hey Y/N what's the hold up?" Bulma puts her hands on your shoulders. "oh sorry it's just that I cant find Vegeta anywhere.." She starts leading you towards the table " oh he's probably around here somewhere, but let's make your birthday wish before Goku and the kids start eating the icing!"

"- Happy birthday Y/N, Happy birthday to you!!!" after everyone sings you closed your eyes, thinking of wish to make. " Hurry and make a wish Y/N!" You laugh as you hear goku's small plead and small slap from chichi to keep quiet. I wish that I can always be by Vegeta you keep that in mind you blew out all the candles as everyone cheers. After everyone has eaten the cake you then tried out all the food ( well all that was left) and played games with everyone,

trying to push away your sadness that Vegeta isn't here "Hey everyone its time for the fireworks!" You hear bulla say as she brings out a capsule  that was full of fireworks, with the push of the button the sky lights up the sky with bright colors. You stay behind the group enjoying the show as you stare up at the sky dishearten. It's no use...the fireworks don't feel the same if he's not here. You felt a small tap of your shoulder, you turned around quickly as you see Vegeta motioning for you to be quiet and follow him. Worried you quickly follow him to the side of the Capsule corp.

"Vegeta what's wrong?" he hasn't said a word this whole time and you felt like you did something to upset him. Before you can say anything else, he holds out a small wooden box turning his head to the side not looking at you. Your eyes widened as  you look at the sayian, noticing the light blush on his cheeks. Speechless you slowly receive the box from him, admiring the details on it. You open it and gasp loudly, inside was a  F/C jewel on a thin gold chain. " Vegeta this is-!!" He quickly puts his hand over your mouth, his blushes more. "Idiot keep your voice down! Do you want the whole world to know??" You nod in response as he lower hand slowly, you stare down at the necklace. You can't even imagine him entering a store to buy a gift, so this is a complete shock to you! "Y/N"

You tilt your face towards him as you felt soft lips quickly press against yours.

He leans back a little as you try to process what just happened. He sighs " You look like an idiot" your face turns beet red as you try to say anything "What-um you just??" He grabs your hand and leans in kissing you once more. You close your eyes and pull him closer to you, never wanting this moment to end.

"Hey where did Y/N run off to?" Bulma giggles as give off a knowing smirk. "I think Y/N is enjoying her birthday present~"

-Cuz baby your a firework!!!-

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