Enough ( Yamcha x reader)

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"Wait Yamcha!"

  You managed to gasp out as you clutched your sides in pain, you struggled to stand as yamcha stood in front of you in a defensive stance. He wasn't in much better shape either, his clothes torned, his sweat and blood drip down his face as sounds of yelling and explosions can be heard from all around you.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

You and Yamcha have been going steady for a year now and he asked out out on a special date, He apparently had a big suprised waiting for you but suddenly these strange purple creatures invaded the city. Although you were able to take out a few of these strange beings they managed to get the best of you and blasted you in a surprised attack. I should have been more careful...! " (Y/N)! Are you okay!?" Krillin ran to you as you flashed him a weak smile. " I'm fine krillin... but yamcha is banged up pretty bad, do you have anymore sensu beans left?" Krillin quickly grabbed the pouch from his side and emptied the bag. " We are all out!"

"Krillin! Take (Y/N) somewhere safe!" Your eyes widen as you shook your head in disagreement "Are you crazy?? I'm not leaving you here!"

The purple beings began to incircle them  as he turned to you, showing off a weary smirk. " I know im not the strongest but as a man I need to be able to protect the one I love...No matter the cost!" He turned around and faced the enemy as they pounced at him "Go Krillin!!"

Krillin took you over the shoulder and flew off as a flash of light blinded you, "Yamcha!!" You yelled as you watched hopeless as you struggled to break free. Seeing him get farther and farther away. Krillin flew to goku as he finished off the a group of aliens.

"Goku! (Y/N) is badly hurt please can you take her to the look out?" Goku nodded and carried you as he instant transmission to the look out, "Dende please heal (Y/N)!" dende quickly ran out at the sound of Goku's voice and went straight to work. Once you gained most of your strength back, you pleaded at Dende "Please do you have any more sensu beans?? Yamcha's life is endangered!" After you quickly received a bag full, ran back to goku "Please take me to yamcha!"

In a split second you found yamcha lying on the ground surrounded by dead creatures and you felt your blood run cold. "No no no-!"  You ran to him and kneeled  doing checking for a heart beat, although it was very faint your can feel one.
" Don't you dare give up on me!" You tried to feed him a sensu bean but he wasn't responding. You quickly shoved one in your mouth chewing it before kissing him.

After what felt like a century, you felt yamcha body twitch as he opened his slowly. You moved your face away from him as he smiled at you " A kiss from an angel? I must have died and went to heaven.." he joked as tears fell from your eyes, you jumped on him , hugging him tightly as he chuckled as he embraced you. He pulled back as he eyed you up and down "Are you hurt anywhere?" You shook your head "No I'm okay thanks to you" Yamcha sighed and looked away" I'm sorry...its my fault your got injured..If Goku or Vegeta was here you wouldn't have gotten hurt...I don't deserve you.."

You angerly cupped his cheeks and forced him to face you.

"Stop that! You did everything you could! I didn't go out with you because you were the strongest or the richest. I did it because I love you!"

Yamcha stared at you shocked as you looked at him with pleading eyes, " I was so scared... I thought I lost you..." tears fall as you start to held on to him. " Y-you know we can't wish you back anymore.."


Yamcha wiped your tears away " I know this isn't the best settings...." He sat up as he rummaged as he takes out a small black box. " But I can't imagine my life without you in it. I know I won't be the strongest in the world..but.." he opened the box to reviled a  gorgeous golden ring with floral design ingraved on, you gasped as to you covered your mouth in shock.

"...b-but can you make me the happiest?"

" Y-YES!!" You let out as you tackled him in a hug, kissing him roughly. Yamcha returned the kiss as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Wow congrats!" You both turned to see goku standing there clapping as you blushed heavily.

You have forgotten he was there the whole time, you looked back at yamcha and smiled lovingly at him.

" you don't have to be perfect... this is enough.."

(I didn't have a good idea for yamcha tbh but I'm happy how I ended this one shot :D thank you again for reading 💖)

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