{Comfort} : Trunks

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(Hey sorry for the long update! I am busy getting ready a costume for my little nephew. It's a bit short but I hope you enjoy!❤)

You stay silent as you try to hear any noise from inside, he's probably sleeping I shouldn't be bothering him.. As you were about to head back to your room, you hear the door creek open. You look up to see Trunks in well...his trunks and a lose shirt of the capsule corp. " Y/N..? What's wrong?" You look at him and played with your hair nervously "well the thing is..-" a small boom made you flinch slightly "Actually can I come in?"

Trunks noticing the tired look on your face, nods and makes way. You walk in quickly as he closes the door. Sighing you sit on the edge of his bed, hesitantly he also sits down next to you. It was awkward as you two just sat there in silents, Trunks coughs nervously and turns to look at you. "Um...so do you want to talk about it?"

"I know this might sound silly... but I have this fear of thunder and it gets to me so bad that I can't sleep..." You run a hand through your hair as you sigh. Trunks shakes his head and gives you a small smile " Hey it's nothing to be ashamed of, we all have something we're afraid of...we just don't always admit it.." his eyes turns slightly dark as he seems to be thinking of something unpleasant, he snaps out of it and stands up.

" I'll go get you some water, it will help you to relax" Without thinking you quickly raised your arm and clinged onto the end of his shirt just as he was leaving. He turns his head back to you confused. " Y/N? " you blush and look up at him " A-Actually...can you just stay with me..?" You felt your hand slightly tremble as you tried to hold your composure. It could have just been how dark his room but you could have sworn you see a blush adorn him. You let go of him and look at the ground fiddling with your hand nervously.

" I w-was wondering if I can sleep with you.." You snap your head up quickly and felt your face blushing badly realizing how bad it sounded. "Not like that! I m-mean not what you think it means!!" you stammer out but stop when a warm hand being placed on your head. You look up to see Trunk's noticeable blush and a small smile. " Don't worrry Y/N I know what you mean. L-Let's head to bed now , you must feel exhausted" you let out a yawn as nod in agreement. " Thank you so much Trunks..this means a lot" You took off your slippers and got onto the bed, laying on the opposite side of him as Trunks layed down also.

You turn to face the wall and was about to close your eyes until you heard him mumbling softly. You turn to face him as you see Trunks facing you as well blushing. " Y/N...um Do you want to...I-If you like.... I think it will help you feel better.." You smiled at him, understanding what he wanted to say. You moved closer to him and spread your arms open as your way of saying yes. He slowly wrapped his arm around your waist as he gently slides his other arm under your head. The warmth of his embrace had you almost fall asleep immediately. You sighed softly in content and snuggled closer to him.You felt his hand run through your hair, petting you as you slowly closed your eyes. A wave of relief washed over you as he continued to pet your head.

"Good night Y/N..." You heard as you finally drift off to sleep.

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