{Comfort series} Vegeta x reader

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Out of everyone here to go for comfort Vegeta seems...less than ideal... it feels especially risky to bother him this late at night. Before you can knock a second time, the door opens to reveal a grumpy vegeta wearing sweats and a loose fitting tank top. You felt your eyes quickly dart up at his sculpted form, sure this isn't the first you have seen him not adoring his training gi but it's not everyday you can truly look at him. You must have been staring for too long as you hear the man grunt impatiently.

"Did just woke me up at the middle of the night just to gawk at me?"

"N-no that's not it!" You blushed and looked away in embarrassment.
Vegeta crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. He studied your face more, frowning as he waited for your answer.

"Can I come in?" You shivered as the sound of rain and wind hit against the building gets louder. Silently he stepped asided he walked back into his room, you quickly followed him and shut the door behind you. You looked at the him as he sat at the edge of the bed with his crossing his legs, you hesitated on moving closer to him as the storm outside gets stronger. "Well? out with it already"

You clutched the blanket around you hoping it will "You see..um.. I have this fear.. of storms.." You hear him snort and let a chuckle as you felt your face heat up in embarrassment. You knew this might happen if you told vegeta about this but you took the risk anyway, now you are slowly regreting this
"You have seen us battle literal gods and this megar storm frightens you?" You remained silent as he stood up "And what do you want me to do about that?"

Before you can respond, a loud clash of lightning struck the side of the building causing you to yelp. On instinct you reached out and embraced vegeta shutting your eyes tight. The tears that you keep held in threaten to fall as you shivered in fright. You felt his body tense as you held on to him tightly, Can I please stay y-you? Just for tonight ..?" You asked meekly, Vegeta placed his hands on your shoulder about to pry you off of him. "Why are you asking me?? Why don't you ask those other idiots instead?"

"Because you make me feel the safest!" You kept your eyes closed as you braced yourself to hit the floor but to your amazement he didn't shove you off. You looked up too see him look away as a small blush formed on his face. "..If it will stop your annoying chatter..." You realized how close you are to him and backed up quickly, blushing in embarrassment. "Thank you-" his stern voice interrupted and pointed towards the bed.

"You have 1 minute to get to sleep before I change my mind" you practically jumped into bed and waited as vegeta made his way to bed as well. He layed down next to you as you tried to compose yourself. After a few minutes of silence you looked at vegeta who had his back facing you.

"Thank you again..." you whispered as you closed your eyes, not expecting a response. After what felt like a century you finally felt safe enough to drift off to sleep.

Vegeta waited till he heard your steady breathing to finally turn around and face you, his stoitic face soften slightly at the sight of your sleeping form. He carefully your cheek as he wiped away any remaining tears from your eyes. *the safest huh..* He made sure the blanket covered you completely before drifting off to sleep as well.

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