( Comfort) : Lord Beerus

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the Bold words are your thoughts! 

Just adding this to the comfort series :D its short but i hope you enjoy 

You stood in front of the door, staring it down like it was your mortal enemy. It was not just any regular door... the door that would lead you to your savor or your demise. The mighty Lord of Destruction lays just beyond this door...now maybe it's the lack of sleep that led you here, or maybe the fear of the storm is greater than your fear of Lord Beerus..?

" A midnight randevu? How scandalous~" a voice whispered in your ear that made you jump in fear. Before you can scream, a hand shushes you quickly, realizing that the voice came from no one other than Whis, the angelic attendant of Lord Beerus. Your heart was racing as Whis led you away from the door. " w-whis, you scared me!" raising your voice slightly as Whis just looked at you smiling "Oh did I? I was thinking I saved your life."  Biting back a response, you knew he was right. Disturbing Lord Beerus was practically a death wish. If he was very peeved, it could be the end of the earth! Whis seemed to study you for a   moment before smiling. he snapped his fingers. "Well, if going to visit Lord Beerus at this hour then you better bring this."

Whis hands you a small container, you give it a skeptical glance before realizing it is a very expensive-looking pudding cup. "As you know, Lord Beerus particularly enjoys pudding. This one in particular was made by a world-famous chef courtesy of Ms.Bulma! It almost kills me not having a bite~!" Whiz sighed dramatically before giving you a wink "I'm sure Lord Beerus will be quite pleased seeing you giving him some pudding....and maybe something more" Whis said mischievously while leading you back to the door, "Good luck~" he whispered before opening the door and gently pushed you into the room. The room was mostly dark aside from a soft blue light radiating from an orb.

*Oh, this looks different... and I can't hear the storm as loud in here. It must be the work of Whiz..* you note to yourself.  The sound of yawning makes you freeze in place. " I smell pudding..." his drowsy voice says as your eyes lock onto Lord Beeru's sleeping form. He has his arms crossed behind his head as his tail swishes slowly.  Is he sleep talking..? You slowly approach him, eyeing him for any sign of him waking up. Even when he is sleeping, his form is intimidating (might be even more dangerous when he's asleep tbh)

His bed also seemed to have changed to a round cushioned platform as he laid his back against multiple pillows.  " I want my pudding..." his drowsy voice grows more impatient as he extends one of his hands towards you. A purple orb begins to form, and your eyes widen in shock, realizing what that thing is. You quickly went to his side and held out the pudding to him, keeping your head down in some sort of bow. " H-heres your pudding, Lord Beerus!" You stammered out  Please don't kill me please don't kill me-

And just as quickly as the orb appeared, it disappeared instantly. Staying silent as his hand stays ascended in the air in front of you. Suddenly, He grabs you by the wrist and pulls you onto him, while grabbing the pudding in the process. Your face flushes as you feel his toned chest against your face. You freeze in place as you mentally scream, not daring to make any noise as he makes quick work of the pudding. He tosses the cup aside and licks his lips, "Hmm..delicious....oh human you certainly brave thing..trying to seduce me with pudding" You feel his voice rumble through his chest, his arms wrap around you. You were about to explain yourself but realized he was still asleep. You sighed out in relief, Well...at least he doesn't seem upset...

you continued to stare at his face, watching for any signs of him waking up. You try to get up, but his grip doesn't budge. You looked conflicted as to what to do. While moving your head, you felt Beerus's head slowly nuzzle you as a small purring sound escaped his lips. You never thought you would see this side of him.. oh no...that's.. so cute! I wished I had my phone with me.

Feeling brave, you decided to caress his chin gently. His purring grew a bit louder as he nuzzled his head on the crook of your neck,  The mighty Lord Beerus was acting like a house cat... seeing him like this brought a smile out of you for the first time tonight. You felt exhaustion hitting you at full force now as you relaxed into his embrace. You looked at him one more time

"Goodnight, Lord Beerus..." you whispered to him as you gently wrapped your arms around him. You slowly close your eyes as the sound of his purring lulls you to sleep.

The blue orb in the room slowly turned to face the two sleeping as Whiz on the other side, stifled a giggle.

"I can't wait to show Bulma this photo~"

Not sure when is the next update but we shall see :3

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