~All mine~: ( yandere! Broly x reader )

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(This is fic is dedicated to
watamote7777! My very first request 😭  I hope you like it! Sorry if its too short.  Thank you for reading ❤❤)

You let out a sigh as you walked down the hallway of the capsule corp with blankets in arms. Ever since a sayian named Broly came to earth,there has been an ominous feeling in the air that been looming over you and the rest of your friends. Heck even Vegeta seems be more on edge than usual, not that you can blame anyone.

He was very intimidating with his large stature and the fact that we can't read his power level at all. Although you always believed to never judge a book by its cover you couldn't help but notice that there is something....off about him. The way his eyes linger on you a little too long for comfort when your around...like an beast hungrily eyeing his prey..

You shake away the thought, knowing nothing good will come from it as you enter the room you are staying in. You are staying here along with the rest of your friends until they decide what to do with Broly, agreeing to question him tomorrow  about what are his objective for being here.

As soon as close the door behind you, you immediately sense a present in the room. You turn to your bed and shut your mouth tight to stop yourself from screaming, Broly was sitting on your bed with his hands clenched against his head. How long has he been here?! Was he just sitting here in the dark?? You felt your arms quiver abit as you try to calm yourself.

" H-Hello Broly.." you cursed mentally at the nervousness in your voice. He didn't respond as you slowly moved towards him slightly worried about him. Is he hurt..? Now getting a better look at him you can see him clench his eye shut, his breathing was heavy. You felt this ominous feeling weighing getting worse as you stood closer to him. Without thinking, you gently place your hand over his own softly.

Broly's POV:

The second I arrived on this planet...I wanted nothing more than to destroy it.... the moment I saw ... K-kakarot... I was ready to kill him right there...but then I saw her...


Never have I felt this sort of desire before ....even when fighting...I tried to ignore it.

but this feeling kept growing...

Consuming me...

I watched her every movement...

seeing her bewildered expression when she catches me starring sends chills down my spine....

Her scent....so intoxicating... I crave it...

I find myself lured to her room...

Her bed was surrounded in it...


ut it's not enough....

I need more...more..

I can't contain myself anymore...

It was only when I felt a small hand on my own was I snapped out of my thoughts.

I see her...

..My (Y/N)..

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me.

Back to normal point of view:

You yelped as you felt pain shot through my wrist as he held me against him. Feeling his hot breath against your neck, you freeze in shock trying to process whats happening. His large hand holding you in place as he inhales deeply, chuckling darkly.

"...so sweet..." He starts to touch your hair, combing through with his fingers sighing in content. He nuzzles his face against your hair as he  "...so soft..."  oh god what the hell am I supposed to do!?! If I yell for help he could kill me right here!

He leans his head down and places it on your chest listening to your heartbeat, letting a deep hungry growl  rumble through out your torso. Making you flinch in response.

" fluttering like a bird...you humans are so fragile..."

You tried to move away from him hoping he has calmed down as his grip suddenly tighten feeling like your arm is about to break. " t-that hurts..!"

Broly tilt your head to face him, his Dark blank eyes pierce your own tears stained eyes. He grinned psychotically as he strokes your cheek "My beautiful (Y/N)... this will hurt for just a bit.." Before you could even respond, he swiftly leaned down towards your neck and harshly bit onto it. You screamed in terror as you feel his teeth puncture your skin, drawing out blood.

His licks the wound as you whimper out your cries.

" From the moment i saw you I knew you were mine...and mine alone..."

Your strength drained from your body as you could hear the shouting of your friends enter your room. Broly doesn't break his eye contact as he carries you. He then raises his hand towards them as he forms a large an energy ball towards them. His face  twisted into sadistic grin.

" And no one will take you away from me"

( If Broly was a yandere i think he would be a sadistic one 😶 what do you guys think?)

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