{Comfort} : Goku

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( writer's block sucks! Sorry for the wait! I'll try to upload more frequently but I hope you enjoy this story. As usual thank you for reading ❤)

As you knocked on the door you noticed the door creaked open slightly, you shaking your head in disbelief. Only Goku would sleep with his room unlocked... It would be rude for me to enter but I'm sure he will understand... You entered the room as quietly as you can, closing the door behind you.

You immediately noticed the sayian's snoring as you turn your attention towards the bed. Even in your exhausted state, You couldn't help but smile a bit looking at how peacefully he slept. Not to mention how terrible his posture is! His arms and legs spread out like a starfish, as one of his legs hanging off to the side.

You made your way to his bed as quickly as possible poked his cheek a few times. His eye twitches a bit as he opens them a bit " huh..? Y/N is that you?" You nod " y-yeah it's me...sorry I woke you up this late.." He sat up on his bed, stretching his arms as he yawns. Goku is hardly ever seen without his training Gi so it surprised you to see him sport a dark blue shirt instead."Hmm..." He leans in close to your face as he stares at you, studying your expression.

" You don't look so good" he states bluntly as you let out a small chuckle. " yeah I must look awful.. I couldn't get a wink of sleep.." He tilt his head as he looks at you confused. " What? How come? " you sighed

"You see.... I have a fear of thunder..." He gasp as he stares at you in disbelief.

" Are you for real? Thunder?? That's silly! you turn your head to face him slightly annoyed " Like you can talk! You have a fear of needles!" He visibly stiffens at the word and he laughs nervously. "A-anyway I'm pretty sure you didn't wake me up just to tell me that" you wince at the sudden noise outside, you almost forgotten about the storm. Just talking to him always manage to make you so at ease. "You're right...um do you think it will be okay if I can sleep with you?...Just for tonight?"

" oh sure thing! Just get in." You smiled at him thankfully and made your way to the other side of the bed. Before you could make yourself comfortable you felt yourself being pulled towards a very toned chest. " you're a bit cold (Y/N).. Let me warm up!" He holds you in a tight hug as you yellped. " G-Goku!..a little tight!!" He immediately loosen his grip " opps! sorry!" After getting more comfortable, you breathed out a sigh in relief as you finally felt...safe." How are you feeling now, Y/N? "

" A lot better...but you didn't have to comfort me like this if it's too much trouble." Not that I don't like it... You hear a small laugh as you look up to see goku staring at you. " It's not at all, I want to hold you!" he says as he flashes an adorable smile. You felt your heart skip a beat, flustered you hid your face against his chest " G-Good night!" You hear him chuckled as he rest his head on top of yours

"Good night Y/N"

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