Chapter 4:: Bloody Welcome Back

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My last class of the day is P.E. I hate it. Me and Jesse used to have P.E together until he moved away. Speaking of the devil, Jesse walks over to me and smiles broadly.
"How is my baby girl?" That's been my nickname since we dated. And he still calls me it.

Shania Greene struts her way over to us and flips her hair seductively and bats her eyebrows being flirty. I wince at her effort in seducing my ex-boyfriend.
"Since you and Aaron aren't dating..."
I cut her off, "Aria." She scowls at me and then looks back at Jesse and smiles again.
"What I was saying, I am totally coming to your party tonight and I was wondering, if you've been, lonely?"

"What do you mean?" Jesse asks confused. Him confused about sex? Never. He's playing her. To get me jealous but it won't work.

"Shania, you do know that the whores are on the other side of the gym? Why are you over here?" I catch myself saying after it already came out.
"Ugh. Bitch!"
"If I'm a bitch, I need a collar and some dog food. Make sure to get the good kind cause I'm very picky."

She stalks away pissed. I sigh then turn my attention to the slightly amused Jesse.
"What?" I say loudly.
"So, you coming to my party tonight?" He says inching to me.
"No. I'm grounded. But Blake is."

Blake and Jesse are natural enemies. They've hates each other forever. Like I said. But I don't want Jesse and Jackass to fight. At all. Blake is the kind of person who will stick around people he doesn't like just to piss them off. Levi's the kind of person who doesn't hang around people he doesn't like. Which is one reason I like him. Jesse's face drops as does his smile.

"What about Leafy?" He laughs loudly.
"He's not into that stuff anymore."
I lie but I feel like it was sort of necessary.
"Oh well give my thanks to you for sending that hoe away and a slap in the face for that ass hole brother of yours."

He leaves me standing in the middle of the gym as the bell rings for the signal to finally go home. Being alone with Levi. Yay. Hint the terror in the yay.


"Is it really necessary to do math homework?" I say aloud as Levi stares at me and smiles. We're sitting in the living room, him on his phone, me attempting homework. Not so good.
"Don't do it then." He says as he throws his phone across the couch and grabs my pencil. He says, "About today... umm..."
"I'm so sorry. I was just mad. I don't even know why I was mad..."
"It's alright, and can we forget it?" He's now sitting right beside me. I really want to tell him no and make him now down, but I'm in love with him. Of course I'll forgive him. I nod.

He smiles wider and grabs me up.
"Okay, I like to call this, strobe light war." He continues as he sees I'm content, "and you have to run around while a strobe light is flashing and you have to throw teddy bears at the other person."
"Okay. Let's do it."

After six strobe lights and forty teddies, were ready for war. I pack six bears and dogs into my shirt then two in my butt area, I'm ready.
"Are you ready, Aria!" He yells from upstairs.
"Yeah!" I'm hiding behind the couch awaiting for him to come barreling down the staircase. After about ten minutes of curling up beside the couch I decide to take off up the stairs and cross the eerie hallway to where I see a shadow coming from mom and Ray's room. I sneak up to it and jump scare the air. Feeling stupid, I turn around to see Levi hurdling towards me from my room and tackling me to the ground. Luckily I have stuffed animals on my butt or that could've been painful.

"I thought you threw stuff at the other person not tackle them?" I struggle to breathe with his weight and the extra cushioning in my shirt.
"Well I like to play dirty."All of a sudden the entire room is quiet. And I could still see his glistening ocean blue eyes stare through me sending goosebumps up my arm. His lips part, like Blake's did.

He lowers his lips to mine as they brush slightly when my phone goes off. He jerks away and stands up.
"You might want to take that Aria." He says as he walks out the room leaving me there lying, alone. I sigh and slam my phone to my face.
"What?!" I say knowing it's Blake.

"Aria?" Someone, clearly not Blake answers, "You need to come get Blake... he's unconscious, and he's mentioned to call you if anything went wrong."
"What the hell! Where is he now?! Fuck. I knew that dumb ass shouldn't have gone to that party." I say sitting up and taking the padding out of my shirt and walking towards the front door.

"Okay. I'll be there in ten minutes."
"You better hurry cause Jesse ain't done with him."


When I get to the party, I see a beaten Blake lying on the ground. I open my car door and run out to him and lift his head to mine.
"Yeah?" He says lowly almost as if he didn't say anything at all.

"I'm not leaving until I beat his ass Aria." He comments as he spits out some blood. I can't stand to see him like this. I shake my head.
"No. Let's go. I'll fix your bruises and cuts."
"My dignity will be gone if I don't fight him Aria. It's okay. I'm gonna get my ass beat... for you."

My heart engulfs my throat and launches me forward to hugging him.
"No. I won't let him hurt you." I say as Jesse, Ryan, and Payton walk out with bars and bats. I stifle a bit and wince.
"I thought you weren't coming?"
"I wasn't. Until you decided that my brother is your new punching bag. It takes man to fight. But a real man to walk away!"

I can't watch Jesse kick my brothers ass. But I know Blake isn't gonna give in to anything I say.
"Aria. Go home." Blake says.

"No! Jesse!" Jesse starts kicking Blake in the side as does Ryan. Payton drags me away from the fight. I kick and scream as Blake hears me and tries to lift himself up. They're gonna kill him! I knee Payton in the balls and lunge myself onto Blake and wrap myself around him with my ability to save him.

Jesse chuckles a low chuckle.
"Once a pussy, always a pussy." Jesse walks away as I say, "Once an asshole, always an asshole."

"Funny. That's where I'm planning to fuck you before the year's over with." Jesse laughs and walks inside. I pick up Blake with all my might as the boy who called me on his phone helped me to get him to the car. I should've known that Jesse will never change. He's always been bad to me and trying to force stuff on me.

Blake stares out the window silent.
"Are you okay?"
"No." He states coldly.
"I'm sorry... I was just trying to help..."
"Well I think you helped enough Aria."

Then it's quiet. The question that has me on edge is, why didn't he beat those three jerks to pulps, because he can and why'd he say he got beat up for me?

Authors Note:: I updated and already 40 reads?! Yay and two votes?! Yay also! Make sure to vote, comment, and follow! I'll update soon. Oh yeah I need you guys to cast Aria for me. Jesse's gonna be Oli Sykes, so yeah only her. Love yuh.

XXrose_summerXX :: Love yuh ::

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