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"I have to say", Glory said to Starflight as she entered the room. "It's a mess in here. ""I know," Starflight responded drearily,"because Certain rainwing dragonets have no respect for scrolls."he responded, clearly annoyed. "let me guess."Glory responded, trying to hold in her laughter."kinkajou?""my only question," he began, "is why cant a simple game of tag be played outside?" Glory, still trying to hold in laughter, was suddenley tackled from behind by a large black dragon, who immediateley turned her over and pinned her down.Glory was about to use her venom, when she saw who had tackled her. a smug smile, accompanied by silver eyes, made glory want to spit even more venom at him, her scales turning red, with some orange mixed in."hello, Deathbringer." the queen of the rainwings said to her bodyguard."hello, my queen," he responded, still with that idiotic smug grin plastered all over his face."now get off," glory said, teeth bared, but in a playful smile.Deathbringer, still smiling, got off of glory, still with his smug grin, that, no matter how hard she tried, had to admit that she kinda thought it was cute."Glory?" Starflight asked nervousley."Are you ok?""Yes," she replied, drifts of pink starting to come through her scales."A certain nightwing assassin just trying to be as annoying as possible, so yeah, the usual."Starflight nodded his head approvingley, still a bit shaken by the whole experience.Deathbringer, still as smug as ever, took glory by her claw, and whisked her away, off into their kingdom.

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