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Today it was Glory's turn to smirk at her husband, instead of the other way around. After glaring at him for a solid three minutes, she picked up Firefly, and motioned for the others to follow.

When they had reached the pavilion, Glory had left Firefly with Sunny and the rest of her friends, and had taken Deathbringer to their room to interrogate him.

"What were you thinking when you did this?" Glory asked, her voice so low, and full of malice that Deathbringer shivered. There was no doubt about it, his wife was very very mad at him. He supposed that it was fair, as he had taken Firefly out on his own accord, and had any harm come to her, he knew his punishment would have been worse then this.

"I was taking her out to teach her about the rainforest plants." He began. "I was going to show her which ones were safe to eat, and which were not. I figured that if she was doing as well as you said she was, then she must be smart enough to remember a few things about how to survive."

Glory nodded her head, under standing so far. It had been rational for Deathbringer to teach her about some of the more deadly plants, as those were kept far away from the villages, so that no senseless dragonet that had wandered off would eat them.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The raining queen questioned. "I would've gladly helped you with that sort of thing. I'm a.part of her life too you know." This comment made Deathbringer drop his gaze. "I know, I know." He responded. "It just seemed that with all the stuff that you have to deal with on a daily basis, that you might want some time off."

Glory started chuckling at this comment. "What's so funny?" Deathbringer asked, confused. "Oh, nothing." She responded. "Just the fact that you clearly don't know." " And what might that be?" The Nightwing asked, intrigued. "Just the fact that I would be willing to do anything for my daughter." Glory responded. "Including taking a day or two off from being queen to rest with my family."

Deathbringer frowned. "But what about the Nightwings?" He asked. "Surely with two whole tribes to run, you hardly have a moment of peace?" "That's what friends are for." The colorful dragonet responded. "Any dragon will be fine with Grandeur or Mangrove taking on the responsibility of queen for a day, as long as it's not too often. I have friends that are more than happy to help with this sort of thing, Deathy."

This made the Nightwing smile. "I guess you're right." He responded sheepishly, ashamed for not thinking of that sooner. "Now." Glory said. "What happened next?"

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