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Night had fallen by the time Glory had returned to her hut, and found Deathbringer fast asleep, Firefly curled up in the crook of his arm. She almost laughed out loud, how ironic it was. She remembered years ago, when she had met her future husband. 

It had been in the Icewing's territory, when the dragonets were on their way to meet Blaze. They had already met Burn and Blister, and were hoping that Blaze wasn't as ditzy as she sounded. But with a gift, comes a curse, said a great Skywing poet years ago, and it appeared that Blaze lacked the brain's for much more that what crown to put on in the morning. 

Rather, she left all the war planning to the Icewing's, and her Group of Sandwing's that had followed her to that desolate icy tundra, where the sun hardly shined. But Deathbringer was been informed that the dragonets were traveling there, and had set up a camp to protect himself from the cold. And that's where Glory had found him. Sitting alone under a tent, if you could call it that, warming his hands by the fire.

Glory had confronted him, after changing her scales to that of an Icewing, and had told him to get off "her" territory. Back then everyone had thought Nightwing's could read minds, so Glory had masqueraded her thoughts with the chill of the blizzard around her. Deathbringer had been very charming, even when he was trying to kill her, but Glory hadn't fell for his tricks, and left without revealing any information. 

Later, when Blaze had been introduced to the Dragonets of destiny, Deathbringer had stopped by, and tried to kill her, only to be stopped by the rest of the dragonets. Looking at him fast asleep now, Glory smiled, thinking of all the good times they had shared together, as she fell fast asleep.

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