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As Glory, Sunny, and Tsunami flew through the forest, Glory couldn't help but wonder how Sunny had been so violent towards Deathbringer. The golden colored sandwing had been creating colorful insults all the while they had been flying, and to Glory, it was amazing that all those insults had been inside of her all this time.

"I'll kill him!" She snarled. "If he's done anything to that little dragonet, I'll rip his lungs out, then force feed them to him while he dies!" Tsunami was laughing, while Glory was just amazed. 
If he's done anything to your dragonet Glory, I'll rip his limbs off, then stuff him in the volcano!" The amount of insults coming from the the little dragons mouth was, to say the least, appalling to Glory. Never had she seen sunny so angry at one dragon, heck, not even a group of dragons!

Glory recalled when once, when they were growing up, at dinner one time, the only option had been meat. Kestrel had told her to, "Not be so soft. You're a dragonet of destiny! Act like it!" And had proceeded to make Sunny eat the meat. Sunny had been revolted by it. Sure, she had the occasional lizard here and there, but never a whole cow! Tsunami was furious, more so then the rest of them. But they couldn't do anything about it. Back then, they were powerless, doing whatever their guardians told them to do. If Kestrel told them to wash themselves off in the river, they did so, even if some of them hated it. Likewise, if Dune told them to shut up and listen, they would. They had no rights, no power. They were powerless to stop their so called, "protectors", as they were forced to learn things that were meaningless to them, or to have to eat what they didn't want to in Sunny's case. This treatment had an effect on them, but apparently the gold sandwing was most hurt by what their guardians were doing to them. 

As Glory watched her friend, who was mostly a sweet ball of golden energy, hurl insults at her husband, she couldn't help but feel even more rage at their guardians than normal. Sure, most of them were dead by now, and she would never just walk up to Kestrel and kill her, even though it had been very tempting at times.

"There they are!" Tsunami shouted. "Shhhh!" Glory whisper yelled. "Wait! I want to hear what they're doing before we kill them for sneaking out with Firefly!" Tsunami growled. "Fine." She reluctantly replied. "I'll wait." Now. Glory wondered. What are they up to?

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