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As Glory saw the dragonets of destiny under her, she couldn't help but smile.

Clay, happy living in the crook of a mountain with Peril and their dragonets, Ash and Crane.

Tsunami, living with Riptide and their dragonet, Shell, on a deserted island.

Starflight, along with Fatespeaker, living at Jade Mountain Academy, as Starflight felt most comfortable there.

And Sunny, living in the kingdom of sand with her mother, Thorn, helping to keep the peace.

She smiled as she reminisced about all there adventures together, while flying down to greet them.

"Glory!" Sunny exclaimed, running towards her to give a hug.

"Hey Sunny." Glory said, returning the affection.

"Why did you call us here?" Asked Starflight, after they had greeted each other.

"To discuss something important", said Glory.

"Well, get on with it." Said tsunami, clearly impatient.

"You see." Glory started. "I'm a lot of things. A queen, a wife."

"The most sarcastic dragon in all of Pyrriah." Starflight provided.

"The best friend ever!" Said Sunny.

"And soon I'll be adding another." Responded Glory.

"And that is?" Said Tsunami.

"A mother."

GloryBringerWhere stories live. Discover now