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Grandeur's reaction was not what Glory had expected. What she had expected was for Grandeur to turn rigid with shock, then laugh in Glory's face. Instead, Grandeur looked as if she had expected this. "I was afraid this would happen." She muttered. 

Glory shook her head, afraid that her ears had something in them. "I'm sorry." She said. "But did you say you expected this?" "Sadly, yes." Glory was confused. "What do you mean, sadly?' The rainwing queen asked. "Surely this is great news for the rainwings? They haven't had an animus in generations." 

"This is true." Grandeur responded, puzzling Glory even more. "However, when I was very young, there was one rainwing animus." This revelation shocked Glory. "What happened to them?" She asked anxiously. "Killed." The word sent a shiver down Glory's spine. Had the rainwings really had an animus?

"What was their name?" Glory asked anxiously. "I believe she was called..." At this point Grandeur paused, lost in thought. "Citrus. Yes, Citrus was the rainwing animus. And, I might add, your Great grandmother."

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