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However, not all good things can last, as they had to eventually return to the rainforest, as Glory was the queen, and Deathbringer followed her wherever she went.

"It's gonna be okay, right?" Deathbringer asked.

"Of course, you big dummy." Glory replied as they flew back to the rainforest. "And If anyone tries to harm it, then I'll kill them." She said casually.

Deathbringer smiled at her. "And I will gladly join you.

Now it was Glory's turn to smile.

"And we'll do anything to keep that little one safe."

Deathbringer's smug smile suddenly dissipated. "Who are you going to tell?"

"Well", Glory said. Probably the dragonets, then Jambu and Grandeur, then the rest of the tribe."

"Good plan." said Deathbringer. "Shall we start?"

GloryBringerWhere stories live. Discover now