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"After me and Jambu had shown her all of these fruits, including kiwis, grapes, grapefruit, bananas, mangos, sloths, papayas-" "Why would you tell her that sloths were ok to eat?" Glory yelled in Deathbringer's face. She was very concerned about Deathbringer's sanity by now, and was also scared that Firefly would think eating sloths was ok. "Wait!" Deathbringer whimpered. "Before you kill me, I will say that she did not want to eat them."

Now Glory was confused. "What do you mean?" She asked, curious. "What with being half nightwing and all, you'd think that she would be fine with eating meat?" "That's the thing." Deathbringer responded, still crouching and covering his head with his hands. "She aid that they were too in tune with nature, and that it would be wrong to kill them." This made Glory think for a moment. Why didn't Firefly eat the sloth? What was all this about being in tune with nature? What was happening inside her precious dragonets head? All of these thoughts were going in through Glory's head, when Sunny came bursting through the doors of the pavilion.

"Glory!" She exclaimed. "Come quick!" "What is it?" The queen asked, thoughts immediately flashing to fire, or another tribe. "It's Firefly!" Sunny answered. "You and Deathbringer have to see this!" With the word "Firefly", Glory was already flying as fast as her wings would allow towards the hatchery, where Firefly was usually found. As Glory arrived, she pushed through the small crowd consisting of her friends and a couple rainwings, to see what was happening. "What's happening?" She asked the nearest dragon, who happened to be Clay. He just pointed towards the center of the circle, where Firefly was. And when Glory looked, she was astounded by what she saw.

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