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It had been eight months.

Eight months since Glory had been married to Deathbringer.

And something had happened in that time.

Glory had laid an egg. And Deathbringer didn't know about it.

And Glory was the only one who knew.

"You should tell him."

Well, almost no one.

Grandeur had seen the signs from Glory, and had confronted her. Glory had confessed, and, Grandeur had agreed to keep her secret, under the condition that Glory would tell her if anything happened.

"I know, I know." Glory replied. "But it isn't easy you know?"

"But the longer you keep it from him, the more upset he'll be if when you tell him."

"But what if he's upset?" Glory said. "He won't be." Grandeur replied.

"Look", she said. If you don't tell him by the end of the week, I will."

Glory was horrified, already thinking of all the ways this could go wrong.

"Alright, alright!" Glory quickly replied as she flew off, Grandeur laughing in the backround.

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