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Glory tore through the trees, oblivious to the vines whipping her face. She flew through the canopy to the pavilion below, and, without much grace, sprinted inside to the throne room. Well. if you could call it a throne room. It was mostly just a room bigger than most with a large chair in the middle.

And sitting on the chair was Grandeur. Glory had entrusted Grandeur as acting queen whenever she was away, and it was nice to always know where she was. Glory often went to Grandeur for advice, help solving a dispute, or just a talk.

"Hello there Glory. How nice of you to drop in." This comment made Glory smile. Grandeur always did have a way with words. She was one of the oldest dragons in the forest, and was very imposing. "How are you Grandeur. Any problems well I was away?" "If you count Coconut complaining about the lack of ripe mango's, then I guess yes. But otherwise everything went smoothly. But I think we  both know that's why your here.

Glory's eyes fell to the floor at this. Grandeur had always seemed to have known when Glory had something to tell her. "You got me." The queen of the rainwings, usually full of pride, and one of the most deadly dragons on Pyrriah, was seeming as if she had a reason to be unhappy. This made Grandeur all the more curious.

"Well, go on then." The older dragon said. "If you need to talk, then you need to talk. What is it?" Glory took a deep breath before speaking. "Firefly." She began, her voice growing quiet. "Is an animus."

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