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As Glory looked through the undergrowth, she almost burst out laughing at what she saw. There, amidst the bushes, was a stream. And there was Deathbringer, floundering around. It looked like he was drowning, and Glory was almost about to go after him, when, out of nowhere, Jambu appeared. He then dragged Glory's idiot of a husband out of the water, and onto dry land, laughing all the way. Glory could feel Tsunami shaking behind her, while beside her, Sunny looked relieved.

"Death-boy, I'm pretty sure that's not how you swim, much less teach a dragonet how to. What if she imitates you?" Glory almost burst from that comment. THAT, was Deathbringers attempt at swimming? It made sense, seeing as the nightwing island was covered in lava, but didn't he go out on field missions sometimes? Like, seriously, Starflight could probably swim better than he could.

"Oh yeah?" Was Deathbringers weak retort. "Let's see you try it fruit-boy." Jambu smirked, and promptly dove into the water. He emerged after a couple seconds, and spat water at his friends face. This made Deathbringer fall backward into a patch of poison ivy. Glory was almost choking at this point, Tsunami was writhing on the ground, and even Sunny was amused. "Not funny fruit-boy!" Deathbringer shouted. "Firefly, wanna help destroy Jambu?" At the mention of Firefly, Glory suddenly started to pay more attention.

"Yeah!" Came the small female voice from behind a log. And then, Firefly emerged. Glory could feel Sunny gasping beside her, and Tsunami whispering into her ear, "Congrats." The latter made Glory smile. She loved Tsunami like an older sister, so being congratulated by her "sibling," still felt great, no matter if it was beating her in a fight, hunting practice, or, i this case, producing a dragonet. As Glory watched closely, she saw Firefly walk towards Deathbringer, not faltering once. Glory was amazed that Firefly had learned to walk so quickly. 

Normally, it would take a dragonet on average a couple of weeks to stop crawling, and even longer to form words like that. Now, it hadn't been the word that Gloy was amazed at, but the way it was said. Firefly had said it nicely and politely, but with an air of mischief could be heard if one listened close enough. This made Glory's smile widen even further. This was her and Deathbringer's dragonet alright.

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