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Glory slept peacfully that night.

She had many responsibilities, but she had put them on hold, at least for the day, so she could take care of her dragonet.

Her dragonet! When Glory was younger, she had never expected something like this. It was insane what could happen in a few years!

But she could not keep her mind of off Firefly for long. The dragonet that would grow up to become the heir to her thrown.

She loved the dragonet, and had already decided that were one of her heir's to challenge her, she would not fight, and abdicate the thrown.

She loved herdragonets, and well she was good at keeping her place as queen, she knew she could not hold it forever.

Besides, better her daughter to take the thrown, say, a distant cousin that she did not know about until recently.

However, before Glory could continue to think, she was rather rudely interrupted by Handsome, her assistant.

"Excuse me, queen Glory." He said as he bowed. Well, Glory wouldn't exactly call it rude, but it was interrupting quality time with her dragonet, and therefore she was annoyed with him for it.

"Handsom." She replied curtly, looking up. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"My queen." He began. "The dragonets of destiny are here to see you, and I was wondering if I was aloud to let them in."

Glory sighed. Handsome had always been extremely cautious of the dragonets, even though Glory trusted them with her life.

"But what if the blue one attacks someone?" Was Handsome's favourite argument.

Now, Glory was amused by this, as Tsunami would very much attack any rainwing's in the area, should she be given the chance, so Handsome's concern really was genuine, if not a little far-fetched, as if she attacked one of her subjects, Glory would punish her approapriatly, even if that included battling Tsunami.

But, Tsunami had seen what her venom could do, and she knew of the threats Glory issued were genuine, so she really just stayed away from the tribe altogether, except for Glory and Kinkajou.

"Let them is." She replied to Handsome. "You know they won't attack me, much less kill me."

Handsome sighed. "Yes, I know queen Glory, but, you never know, one could be enchanted, or have a grudge, or any number of things!"

Glory laughed out loud at this. "For one." She said. "Even enchanted, none of them could get close to me with all the guards Deathbringer has posted about me, second, the only one to ever have a grudge against me was Tsunami, and that was because of a cow I had "Stolen", from her, but in reality it was just Clay wanting something extra to eat."

Handsome sighed. "As you wish my queen." He said. "I will let them through." And he exited the hut.

Glory knew that Handsome had probably stopped them at the front of the village, and it would take at least half an hour before they arrived, so Glory had to amuse herself with something else.

She knew Deathbringer was somewhere at the nightwin village, taking care of something, and that Kinkajou was at Jade Mountain Academy, so ther really was nothing to do.

Then, a thought struck her. What if she tought Firefly how to read? She could already speak simple sentences, so how hard would it be to teach her to read? After all, it had taken her mere hours to learn to speak words, surely it would take no longer than an hour or two to teach her?


Two hours later, and Glory was amazed at how fast Firefly learned. She was already reading sentences at a time, and her word pronunciation was astounding! Glory had known that her daughter was smart, she was her mother after all, but this? This was astounding!

Glory knew that she would be smart, she was her mother after all, but this, this was astounding! Glory decided that she would continue with Firefly, as it was about time for the dragonets to arrive. As if on cue, right as she had put Firefly down to sleep, a soft tump was heard, followed by three other thumps. Glory smiled. Her friends were here.

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