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As I stand here In my nicely ironed Black and White uniform with both of my hands by my side, looking down at the solid white tiles in the principal's office. I can't help but think about Friday morning.
It's not like I hadn't thought about it through the weekend and even considered forgetting it since my accomplice acted like we were total strangers all over again today. I honestly didn't imagine being called to sanction on a sunny Monday morning like this one, considering I just -20 minutes ago got nominated to represent my school in the upcoming NBA science inter-school competition, standing here feels like a beautiful daydream turned nightmare.
I could feel my palms sweating the moment our principal walked in and made his way to the executive chair in front of me. My heartbeat tripled and I feared that someone could see it thumping back and forth through my chest. I wanted this nightmare to be over, a nightmare I created with my own hands.
My name is Luka yavinga and the White boy standing next to me is Ian MacGregor, a new student in our school. My accomplice.
We're about to get punishment for a crime we both committed last week Friday. Something I did out of pure excitement and curiosity. I regretted my actions but at the same time, I knew I had to take responsibility for them.
That is what I've been taught to do, it is what I must do.

You'll never know the fear that comes with the word 'discipline' if you are not a student of my school.
'Knowlton is the best place to entrust your child for good grades and morals'. My mom says this anytime I go home with stories about another of my school mate who just got expelled. I don't blame her for thinking so.
Many things in life look colourful until you get close enough to see how grey they are. Even I have been a victim of something similar.
It is one thing to be scared of the disciplinary committee but it is also another thing to be in the position I was right now, awaiting my verdict.

"Luka!". I raised my eyes immediately Mr Thompson's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
" last week Friday, the school security team submitted a CCTV footage to me". He rested his hands on the table looking more serious than he was before now.
"A video I looked into alongside the school's disciplinary team, I believe you know what I'm talking about?". I nodded in agreement.
"You have broken the rules and regulations guiding Knowlton International School and with that single act of disobedience, I'm suspending both of you from all school activities for one week. The suspension which commences today and ends by Monday next week should serve as a warning to you Luka", he emphasized.
" And you Ian, I want you to spend the rest of the week at home reflecting on your behaviours and by the time this suspension is over, I hope you both will return to face your studies respectively.
I was speechless and didn't know what to say. Maybe this is how convicts feel once they've been found guilty of a crime they know they committed.
I can never forget the disappointment written all over Mr Thompson's face, he especially had expectations from me but that was all in the past now.
"Nobody would look at me the same way after today".

I sighed with utmost relief and immediately shut the principal's door behind me, leaning my back against the wall for a short while just to clear my head before squeezing the white envelope into my right pocket.
Ian was already walking fast ahead of me. I barely struggled to keep up with his pace. I'd wanted to ask him a lot of questions but when I got close, I didn't even know how to start. He just kept on walking and didn't say anything either.
I wondered what he was thinking all along and questioned my sanity for committing a crime alongside someone I'd barely known. It's not like Ian is a stranger to me, he's my classmate. Even though we have been sharing a locker and he sits directly opposite me for almost 3 weeks since the resumption of this term, we barely conversated until last week when our biology teacher paired him and me during practicals.
We started talking on Monday and got into trouble exactly six days after which is proof enough that Ian is a red flag.
I didn't know why I was trying to catch up with this boy whom it was Crystal clear would bring me nothing but trouble.

" Ian, Ian!", I called and was about to do it again when he turned on me, almost with annoyance.
"What do you want?"
I wanted to ask him if his parents would be okay with him getting suspended in the first 3 weeks of being a student in our school but I was taken aback.
There was a sudden awkwardness in the air when he stood this close to me.
"Are you going to speak up or you're just going to continue staring at me like that". He narrowed his grey eyes.
I might have been triggered before blurting out.
"What are we going to do now?".
I reached my hand into my pocket and brought out the suspension letter.
" I don't get the point you're trying to make but did you mean me and you when you said 'we?", he scoffed, almost in my face and I lost it.
"Do you realise we just got suspended 3 weeks into senior year and you're acting like everything is okay?"
" I understand you're worried".
"No, I'm not" I retorted.
"I am not the one who has been suspended within 3 weeks of being a student here".
"Ok!" He cut in before I could continue with whatever my already stressed brain was going to spill in that awkwardness.
He took one step close and it looked as if he was going to pass through me if he moved any closer. I didn't step back either.
"There's no need for me to worry about a few days' absence from school", he said.
"I'm not the one who's a preacher's son Luka ".
It was the first time he called me by my name and even though I felt irritated at that moment, I was glad he left before anyone could see us standing that close. Rumours spread at light speed in my school. At this point, getting into another scandal or misunderstanding was the last thing I needed. I was already in deep trouble and Ian was right.
I hadn't thought about my parent's reaction if I go home with a letter of suspension.

I entered the classroom knowing fully well that by now word would've gotten to everyone. Ian wasn't in the class when I got there.
I was about to arrange my textbooks when Rotimi and a few of the boys he hangs around with walked up to my desk.
" so it's true, isn't it?".
As if I was supposed to answer that rhetorical question that only seemed like mockery.
I didn't stop what I was doing, he went on.
"Hello class, I heard from a reliable source that both white boy and golden boy here have been suspended from school for one whole week". My blood boiled and even though I was still busy with my books, I could easily picture the satisfaction on his face.
I knew that giving him any attention would only add fuel to the already burning fire.
I hurriedly picked up my bag and left the class. I prayed not to meet any of my teachers at a time like this. I had disappointed a lot of people and would have to face them sooner or later. I just didn't want it to be today.
I'd had too much drama for one day and needed to leave the school environment.
I could still hear Rotimi's laughter from afar as I made my way to the school gate.
He was about to have a good school day.

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