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"Good morning sir, good morning ma'am", I greeted the school staff I passed by the gate.
I came to school today early, hoping to be in class before anyone else.
It's my first school day after the suspension. I'd woken up earlier and made sure to do my chores on time. My mom offered to drop me off even when I could've used public transport as I normally do. All thanks to her I was able to get to school this early.
I checked my wristwatch again just to be sure of my time. It was exactly 07:05 am.
I entered my class but surprisingly found a few of my classmates who came before me.
" Hi, guys".
"Hi luka", they replied and went back to whatever they were all doing with their books.
I was relieved that no one paid attention to me. I sat down at my desk to unpack my books when Amanda walked up to me.
Amanda is our principal's daughter. She's also the most adored girl in Knowlton, an ideal high school queen.
I might be the only person in my school who doesn't see her the way everyone else does.

" Hey luka".
"Hi, Amanda".
" well", she started. With a picture-perfect smile on her face.
"I was hoping you would tell me where Ian lives".
" I don't know where he lives". I flipped through the pages of my textbook in an attempt to write her off.
" But you guys seemed close and even got suspended together".
I sighed."We got suspended together doesn't necessarily mean we're close friends".
" Do you at least have his contact?"
She removed a cell phone from her backpack and dropped it in front of me, on top of the textbook I was supposedly reading.
" Amanda", I picked up the phone.
"I don't have Ian's phone number and as I said earlier I don't know where He lives. We aren't even friends so please take back your phone. You should ask Ian for his contact when he comes to school- if you want it".
She seemed dissatisfied with my reply but just snatched the cell phone from my hand and went back to her seat.
I watched her walk to her desk and wondered how a person as reasonable as principal Thompson ended up having a daughter like Amanda.
She's nothing like our principal.

An hour later, the school was already filled up with students and Staff.
Classes normally begin at 8:30 am in my school. It was already 8: 25am and Ian's desk was still empty, Rotimi didn't come too.
I heard he had an injury while playing football last week Friday and probably hadn't recovered from it. Every other person was too busy with schoolwork. The few ones that weren't writing were sitting in groups at the back seats. I was reading my textbooks, trying to catch up with the one week I missed. until our maths teacher walked in.
" Everyone sit properly", he announced.

Maths is one of the 4 science subjects I'm good at. Mr Ighalo's classes are always fun.
Apart from him being the most interactive teacher in my school, he's also our sports master.

"Welcome to a new week", He walked to my desk.
"Welcome back luka".
I smiled." Thank you, sir".
"The topic we'll be looking into today is a topic all of you have been familiar with in the previous years of study". He walked back to the whiteboard.
I turned to my left and still found Ian's desk empty.
At this point, I just assumed he wouldn't come to school and was about to focus on what mr Ighalo was writing when a tall slim figure appeared at the door.
" come in Ian". Mr ighalo urged him.

It must've been at least 20 minutes into the class before our maths teacher asked. Referring to Ian.
" Can you tell us the types of linear equations?".
" I have not the faintest idea sir".
He answered without hesitation and almost the whole class burst out in laughter. I also found it strange that Ian didn't know about linear equations. He looks too smart to be dumb. Was he just pretending because he hates interactions or he didn't know?
Everyone learned linear and quadratic equations in year 8 and we're currently in senior year. There's no way a science student wouldn't have the faintest idea of what linear equations are.
The class rounded up with lots of homework and the next class before lunch break was English.

There's a big school diner in my school where all the students go to eat during breaks.
I couldn't go today because I missed out on lots of things and decided to use the 40 minutes break to update my notes and assignments. I couldn't stand the chance of having another loss, especially not after losing my spot in the upcoming NBA science competition.
I only found out after English class that the school management had replaced me with another of my classmate who seemed worthy enough. I tried to understand their reasons for doing that but ended up feeling betrayed.
I couldn't concentrate either.
I dropped my pen and gently laid my forehead on the open notebook that only rumpled as I slowly moved my head back and forth. I worried that everything was going wrong in my life lately and I didn't know how to stop it.

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