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"I shouldn't have sneaked out of the school with Ian". I sighed after saying the same thing for the maybe 100th time.
It's been 2days since I brought home a suspension letter. I woke up this morning with a mild headache and have not stepped out. The past 2 days have been the most chaotic I've had in a long time.
My mom and dad even argued yesterday in the room. I know it's about me and somehow I feel sad for my mom who takes half of the blames anytime I do something wrong. My dad thinks she's overly soft-hearted towards me. My dad is right. I think my mom is extremely soft-hearted too, not just toward me.
It would've been great to have ivy around in a time like this. She has her ways of cheering me up on my bad days. Even though we're not the best duo, She's still my younger sister and my only sibling.
Sometimes I think our age gap is one of the reasons why ivy and I are like that. Perhaps other siblings disagree a lot too.
Today makes it exactly 3 weeks since ivy went to Queens College. An all-girls boarding school.
At first, I felt like the winner of some long lasted battle with my eleven-year-old sister but after a short while, the whole house became too quiet without her.
I've been lying down on my stomach since I woke up and no one came to knock on my door. Probably because my mom knew I was going to be like this. She might've asked my dad to leave me alone too.
Whichever one of the yavinga's made this happen, I feel entirely grateful to them.
I stretched out my left hand to the upper side of the bed and moved it back and forth trying to find the cell phone I left somewhere besides my pillow the previous night. I finally found it and the time on my lock screen was exactly 6:23 am. I stood up from my former position and managed to sit my lazy self on the bed with my waist downwards still inside the duvet, I leaned my back against the pillows.
yawned and somehow thought about Ian in that split second. I wondered how he was possibly managing the whole suspension thing with his parents. I didn't know who to call and ask about him either. He has always distanced himself from the rest of the class. An idea suddenly crossed my mind.
Social media is arguably the best thing technology has created, a place where all questions are answered. I quickly dived into my Instagram app and searched for Ian MacGregor.
Up until now, I didn't know these many people were bearing the same name. I scrolled through dozens of Ian MacGregor's before seeing his.
I just knew it was him the moment I caught a glimpse of his grey eyes. His profile picture was a self-taken photo of him in a blue T-shirt. His hair was wet.
He looked amazing in the nicely patterned white boy hairstyle.
There wasn't much-written content on his profile. Just Ian MacGregor, from Scotland. All his posts were beautiful scenery of places he has probably been to.
There were pictures of a black dog and only one photo of himself apart from the one that served as his profile picture. It was the last post on his timeline.
A photo of Ian and one curly-haired boy whom I assumed to be his best friend since he was the only person asides from Ian, the dog and the scenery on Ian's Instagram.
He looked different in that photo with the curly-haired boy. Maybe because he still had his white boy hairstyle on and smiled with all his teeth and tongue stuck out.
They both looked happy and He didn't seem active for at least 3 months or more.

In the end, I was glad to have found out a few things about Ian. My phone went off before I could go any further. I hadn't charged it all night. I'd slept 0ff and left it somewhere around my pillow.
I quickly dropped the lifeless phone and opened my medium-sized wardrobe to remove a black oversized hoodie and trousers. The weather wasn't cold. There had been a mild September rain last night but it didn't pour much.
I was wearing this black hoodie to compliment my mood and hide in the hood that covered almost all of my face exposing only a small part open enough for me to breathe and see where I was going.
I stood in front of the mirror by the side of my bed just to be sure I wasn't looking too messy and noticed dark eye circles under my eyes, I hadn't slept properly for 2 days.
I picked up my pair of black crocs beside the door and tiptoed my way out of my room hoping to sneak out before my dad or mom would see me.
Only my room and ivy's room which is directly facing mine is on this side of our house. My parents stay in the master bedroom which is separated from us by the beautifully decorated parlour and dining. I tiptoed down the small hallway that leads to our parlour while clenching the pair of crocs each in one of my hands. I could hear my mom humming a worship song in the kitchen. She wakes up early in the morning every day to make breakfast.
I gently walked out of the main door and finally out of our gate, wearing my crocs immediately after. I walked briskly down the street, with no destination in mind. I was just going to walk around for a while and then go back home.
" Luka, Luka!" A familiar female voice called out my name.
I pulled the hood to make sure my face was properly covered and walked slightly faster than before.
"Luka is that you?". I stopped having realised who it was.
It was kirah.
Dhakirah yebuah is my childhood friend of more than 10 years. I've known her since we were just kids and attended the same primary school. She's that one classmate who lives in the same neighbourhood as me.
Her house is only 2 streets away from mine and we even shared matching bangles on children's day when I was six. She's cute and always holds her hair up in a ponytail. I guess that's how she got the nickname pony kirah.
She's also the only primary schoolmate that ended up in the same high school as me. Although she's now in art class and I'm in science, we still make out time to meet, eat and talk in or outside school.

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