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Ninewells Hospital is a large teaching hospital based on the western edge of Dundee in Scotland. It is known for introducing laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery to the UK as well as being a leading centre in developing fields such as the management of cancer, medical genetics and robotic surgery.
It has a good medical background and also a thriving black community.

      I'd had virtual interviews at all the hospitals I applied for a few months back. Waiting for feedback felt like hell but now that I suddenly got accepted, my heart didn't beat as much.
I was still trying to process what I just read when I heard a knock on the door.
It was ivy.  She said mom asked her to bring my medical transcript to me, I'd forgotten it at home when I visited.
I collected the file from her and was about to say thanks when she just walked past me and headed towards the room.
"Hey", I followed behind.
"What are you looking for?".
"Nothing", she cut in.
"Aren't I allowed in my brother's house?".
"Ivy", I called but she didn't turn back.

"What's this?", She picked up the laptop computer on my table and started to read out the email displayed on the screen.
"Give that back". I snatched the object from her hand.
"You're going to Scotland?".
"No, I'm not".
"But you applied for residency in Dundee".
"I applied for residency in Aberdeen, Edinburg and Dundee".
"Is that why you're grumpy?", She asked, looking concerned.
"Because you didn't get accepted in the 2 others?".
"What could be worse than not getting accepted at all?". She joined me on the armed chair.
"What do you know".
I made to stand up and go to the bedroom when she said
"I know you're still obsessed with that white boy from high school".
"What?", I froze in shock but immediately thought I heard wrongly.
"I know you don't like girls".
"Wha- what are you talking about?", I stammered.
"Isn't that why you moved out of the house?"

The room became awkwardly quiet after she said that and I had to shore up the courage left in me to ask. "Since when did you know about this?".
"Last day of midterm in my 1st junior year". She answered.
"You sneaked him into your room when Mom and Dad were helping me pack up for school. It's the first time I ever saw you do anything out of the norm for anyone"
"The Instagram texts too".
"You went through my phone?"
"You didn't have passcodes and never cleared your browser History. I'm sorry", she tilted.
"Goodness", I sighed.
"Who else knows about this?".
"I think Mom has a clue".
"You should go home", I said.
"It's getting late".
"How about Scotland?".
"I don't know. I'll probably not go". I stood up.
"It was a hopeless dream in the first place".

I left Ivy in the sitting room and walked to the bedroom. I could feel my heartbeat fastening as I shut the door behind me.
I gently sat down on the floor and lean against the door to catch my breath. So many thoughts ran through my mind.
I dreaded the thought of my Dad possibly knowing I had any kind of romantic relationship with a boy.
It felt like I was going to have a panic attack when I heard my phone beep twice in my right pocket.
I brought it out and saw a text from Ivy. She must've sent it on her way back home.

"Hey", I read.
"I don't want you to think I'm the kind of sister that'll look down on her older brother because of his preference. I also don't believe that going to another country to find someone you like is a hopeless dream. It's cool and I'm glad to have a super cool brother like you. Ps if you wanna talk to Dad about Scotland then you should come to the church clinic tomorrow", she wrote.
"your secret is safe with me", she ended with lots of red hearts and hug emojis.

My eyes were teary and it felt like a lifelong weight had been reduced from my chest as I sat there reading the text repeatedly.
Who would've ever imagined my once unbearable younger sister would be like this? How did she go from telling on me to keeping secrets for me?
Knowing that my only sibling knew who I was underneath this cover felt genuinely uplifting.
I slept peacefully that night and woke up early the next morning to go talk to my Dad at the church.

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