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Apart from the British Nigerian curriculum and the diversity of different cultures that exist in my school, I think the value placed on extracurricular activities is another thing that makes us stand out from other Nigerian high schools.
Sports are as important as tests and exams in Knowlton and nothing weighs more or less which is why I wasn't surprised when Jordan told me about the short-notice football match.
After the brief meeting with our sports master and the rest of the football team, I headed straight to the diner to have my lunch.
I prayed not to meet Ian but when I got there and didn't see him, I felt a bit disappointed.
I was eating with neither Ian nor kirah and normally would not have cared too much about it but I did. Ian kept on slipping his way into my head and for the first time, I was forced to accept that I was indeed a lonely teenager.

"It's no fun eating alone", I sighed.
" then eat with someone. Why are you talking to yourself?".

I looked up to see that the person who came to me was malik. One of the 2 Arabian twins who have been my classmates since my first year in Knowlton.
He dropped his food tray and pulled the chair in front of me.

"You've been out of it lately. What's going on with you luka?".
"Nothing", I replied.
" I'm fine"
"I don't believe you", he sat down.
" Not when you're slurping that loud".
He raised a brow, "girl problems?".
" no".
" boy troubles?"
"What?", I choked on my drink.
"I mean boy-boy troubles". He lowered.
" can't get it to work huh?"
"Jeez no Malik, I'm fine and I'm just seventeen so.."
"So?", he laughed.
" wait, what, don't tell me you've never done.."
"Done with my food", I cut in.
" It's past break time already, I'm going back to class".
He stood up, "coming with you".
" How about your food Malik?"
"Done", he removed a souvvette.
" I'm full".

There's a dating culture that has existed in my school since the beginning of Knowlton.
When a boy likes a girl, they go to the whiteboard when everyone is out and write their feelings hoping to get a reply when the whole class comes back.
Most of my classmates are a couple even though it's illegal and I've never been a part of this unlawful act, the rest of the class always supports and roots for anyone who ends up writing a love confession.

   I came back to class with malik and found everyone standing in front of the board. someone had written "I like you", in clear capital letters and the whole class was trying to unravel the person behind the mystery love confession.
One look at the board and I knew whose writing it was. How could I not recognise Ian's handwriting when he helped update my notes a few weeks back?

" I think it's Ian", said a girl in the crowd.
"Or Jordan ". Another person seconded.
" Not me", Jordan retorted.
"Then who's it", asked monye our class prefect.
She went to her desk and returned with the maths notes she'd collected from mr Ighalo to give back to the class.
" Look here". she tried to compare the handwriting from one of the books.
"It matches with Ian's".
" I thought Ian was not interested in any of the girls in our class". Someone blurted.
"True", monye replied.
" He wouldn't even blink when I tried to flirt with him.
"That's how they all act until you get to see the other side of them".
"Rotimi", monye called.
" I don't know what's your delusional ancestral feud with Ian but he's our classmate and this is the 21st century".
" he's allowed to like or confess to anyone in or outside this class as long as he's still a student of Knowlton", monye replied.
"And if you're not going to help us find who he wrote this for then, please just leave".
" hypocrites", Rotimi snarled as he walked out of the class.

Watching the drama between monye and Rotimi made me realize why she won the votes against me during the class prefect's elections. Only a fierce girl like monye could lead tough-headed class like ours.

"So no one has a single Idea of who Ian wrote this for".
" How can we?", asked Jordan.
"When he distances himself from almost everyone except Luka".
" Except luka", monye turned to me.
"I, I, I don't...",
" It's for Amanda", someone shouted from the crowd.
"But she's not even in class".
" Neither is Ian ", said monye.

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