Ch-6 Anticlimactic much?

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I felt like i was walking into hells gate, sweating bullets, but also feeling an odd chill sneak down my spine. Seraphina had snuck away some time ago.. somehow without me catching on, dropping me with the fucker i tried to kill less than two days ago.

The hallway was dark illuminated by the dim light of Arlo's phone flashlight.

""Couldn't you have brought a flashlight?" I jolt as he breaks the suffocating silence

"Pff. Why me? Couldn't YOU have brought one." My tone shifting into something more assertive

"I didnt have time." I say moments later

"And yet you had time to gel your hair? How funny." He smirks

I snap my heads towards him, anger spreading over my face though no words come out.

Words hitch in my throat uncomfortably as i hear loud foot steps barrel towards us with increasing speed

I feel my hitched breath release, frantically looking around for somewhere to hide, Arlo stood stunned aswell, though this time i cant exactly blame him. We're about to die after all.

My eyes hook onto the janitors closet down the hall, relief flooding over me

though it may be small i can--..

Hang on. Will i have to share that with arlo? ARLO?

Doom slowly finding its place right back onto my face. Arlo noticing the sudden change, looks at me as if im a mad man

In the end i decide its better to die than have to share a close space with Arlo for more than 10 seconds

A wise choice i'd say.

The footsteps stop

i turn to look at Arlo confusion and fear still fresh on our faces

I spin my heel about to make a beeline towards the cafeteria before stopping to let the feeling of a ice cold hand grazing my shoulder set in

"joooOoohn..." a voice whispers into my ear

I shriek. Letting out a sound i never knew i had in me.

Clinging onto the nearest thing i could find, eyes starting to gloss

Oh cmon atleast let me die in a cool way or--

Hang on. I know that voice

I stop my rapid blinking, vision getting clear enough to see who the hell had just touched me, and who IM touching

I knew it..

Sera. With a dumb grin that reached from eye to eye staring at me. and

My shoulders slump in relief, grip lightening but quickly tensing up again as i re-asses the situation

The heat rising quickly on my cheeks

I look behind me to see whatever i was clinging to and-..

Fuck. Arlo.

The heat of embarrassment spreading over me, covering my ears, I could have sworn my face had turned to molten lava by the time i let go of him

"AHAHaHahA--! I should've.. taken a picture!" Sera wheezes through heavy breaths

I feel a vein pop at the comment

remi blyke isen and elaine turn the corner right after her, observing us, confused

"What were they makin' out?" Blyke manages to slip out, through the many failed attempts of isen trying to shush him
(Though i appreciate the effort)

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