Ch -18 Eat the rich, become a bi-

492 25 3

Cecile--the real shi TM
*Remi-- Equality
*Elaine-- Fukk equality
John-- illiteracg at its finest
Famil bondung 🏡

Isen: So,

Isen: How dors one unbreak a leg

Equality: Omg u broke ur leg?!

Isen: no

Isen: Also y woukd that be surprising 😕


Equality: Good point

Fukk equality: So.. is this a riddle

Isen: No elaine

Isen: Does it fucking sound like one

Fukk equality: Well since u were speaking like u were in the 60s

Fukk equality: YES.

Isen: now listen here u little shit

Equality: EH EM

Equality: What were u saying isen? 😁

Isen: this rich new kid was bothering me so i went crick crack and he went waa waa

Ass: Please never fucking say that again 😵

Real shi TM: what the fuck was that 😵🤢🤢


Isen: As i wzs saying

Isen: now he says his big ceo pepaw is going to be on my ass

Evie: Why didnt he just go to doc..? (  ̄ー ̄;)ゞ

Illiteracgy at its finest: Spite, id bet

Illiteracgy at its finest: I know a spiteful b## when i see one


Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Ofc the spiteful bitch would know

Illiteracgy at its finest: STFU.


Equality: oh em gee he learnt how to use emojiis properly

Fukk equality: Omg whos teavhing him these profanities 😨🤕🤧😢😢😢

Equality: Omgggg 😥😭😨🤤🤧🤧🤧

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: What.

Sera: Guys start clapping!!

Illiteracgy at its finest: 👏👏👏

Equality: 👏👏

Ass: 👏👏👏

Isen: 👏

Equality: 👏👏

Fukk equality: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Evie: 👏👏👏

Real shi TM: 👏👏

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: I fucking hate it here.

Illiteracgy at its finest: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Sera: LMAO

Isen: Bruh the little shit it threatening to sue me

Isen: Fucking hate rich ppl 😢

Ass: Does he not know this is WELLSTONE

Illiteracgy at its finest: you get beat up here on a daily basis

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