Ch -24 Misunderstandings.🥀pt2

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"Lets go to Baileeys next!" Remi hops along, dragging her two bag holders along with her (Isen and Blyke)

"Oh that's the biggest clothing store in the mall, why haven't we gone yet?" Sera perks, a smile on her face

"The suns still high! lets get moving!"  Elaine reignites her passion for shopping

"NO!" Me and my fellow bag holders say in sync

"Oh cmonn! just one more store!" Remi pleads to Blyke and Isen, who seem to have had their soul sucked out of them by the last store

"You said that the last two times" Says the king, which has only one bag in hand

This asshole hasn't been through hell yet huh? I wont leave until this fucker has 50 bags in his hand.

"Lets take a boba break before we go" Sera, my lord and savior says.. how long have we been here? a boba break is exactly what I need right now

We walk along the stores, heading back to the central area

We end up in the same area again, right Infront of the boba store we previously bought from

I watch as Remi struggle to pick a flavor, ultimately ending in Elaine picking for her.

I look away to the side, enjoying my boba and trying to pretend I'm not hanging out with the people who Im supposed to hate the most in the entire goddamn school.

well, aside from Zeke of course, nobody can beat Zeke on that list

I hear giggling behind me

My eyes shift a bit to see two girls smiling and pointing over to me

What the fuck?

Did they recognize me from school?


No they look older

Young adults maybe?

"Hey are you alone?" One of the girls calls out to me

I look around and realize I wandered a bit far from the group

What do they want?? If they aren't from school then do they just feel like bullying a random person today?

"No..?" I reply

"You should come shop with us!" the girl behind her steps closer to me, wrapping her hands around my right arm 

I shiver

"Hey excu-"

"kya! He's muscular~" She squeals wrapping her arms around me completely

At this point I'm too shocked to think

I pull away, taking a few steps back

My face full of disgust, saying all the words that I assume were needed

"Cmon.. Don't be like that! come with us" She persists

"No thank you." I say coldly, are people in this day and age unable to take a fucking hint?



She babbles on, trying to convince me regardless of the endless excuses I managed to pull out of my ass.

"Im sure you'll enjo-"

"Im here with my boyfriend" I say, with a bit too much volume as I see a few passerbys look over

She goes silent, her face turning pink with embarrassment 

Fucking finally.

I feel eyes burning into my headback

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