Ch- 33 Ice Ice baby 🍨

301 18 3

I told Sera about the facility I was in, What it led to, and why Im like this today. We talked for a while after that, about weather, dogs.. cats.. family anything under the sun, the calming shade of the clouds are gone and the sun is back. The heat on the previously cool tiles almost vanishing

"..So you stayed with Arlo for the holiday" She says as more of a statement than a question.

I laugh awkwardly, my ass feels like its melting to the floor

"Not all of it.. I stayed with my dad for a about two weeks since he was in town again."

"Did he say anything..?" She asks quietly, fidgeting with the uncharacteristically colorful straps on her phone case, Did Evie gift them to her?

"yeah.. My façade didn't hold up for long. or poker face as you'd call it" I laugh hoarsely

She gives me a worried look instead of a laugh.

"Uh It wasn't anything bad- you know my dad.. he was just worried. We talked and one thing led to another and now Im on medicine, again." I say, very rushed

I she smile softly not meeting eyes facing the floor

"As long as you're alright" 

We sit there for a bit, staring into the distance, soaking in each others presence in the comfortable silence, I watch as a cloud once again cover the sun and basks the roof in shade

I swipe a bead of sweat off my face 

"So you and Arlo have been getting along pretty well, huh?" She muses, looking up at me with a grin

I stiffen

To be frank, I don't know how to answer that.. after the whole.. confession? we didn't really say anything about it and just carried on as usual.

Are we dating? are we still friends? only fucking god knows


Her phone pings before I get to finish my sentence, She reaches to check it and her eyes widen slightly as she scrolls through the messages

"Ah shoot.. I forgot about Remi"

I give her a questioning look before remembering the lunch invitation Remi gave us earlier

"Oh right. what time is it?" I sigh "Y'know I was actually kinda hoping you'd forget that.." 

Sera smiles before brushing herself off and holding out her hand

"twelve on the dot, lets go" I grab it and lift myself off the floor, brushing the back of my pants and vest 


Our walk is swift, Sera checking her phone every second, texting and scrolling.. and then me, desperately trying to keep up behind her. We pass a few more hallways until we eventually end up at the cafeteria door, walking inside and instantly feeling the room quiet, a stark difference from the loud bustle from before.

My foul mood is steadily returning

I feel myself start to turn for the door involuntarily but Sera ushers me deeper inside

"I found em" She says, pointing to a table with a blindingly colorful cast. making a long stride towards it

The cafeteria is a little quieter than usual, most people staring in awe or trying not to look her way at all ( or mine, I really cant tell at this point)

She calls for Remi and waves, Remis expression brightens instantly

"Sera you came! and John too!!" She beams, the group at the table looks up at us on que, some surprised, some not so much

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