Ch-11 Dont worry guys, its ust bromance 😍

611 26 3

Cecile--> The real shi TM
*Remi-- Equality
*Elaine-- Fukk equality
Isen--Eats ass

Famil bondung 🏡
Eats ass: yo i just watched doc drag like 5 or 4 mid tiers to the infirmary

Equality: what happend??

Cecile: apparently some arguement over field trip fees

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Over field trip funds? The kids at this school are so dramatic. 💆‍♂️

Sera: ofc the loaded person would say that 😒

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Are you not just as loaded


Eats ass: doc just dragged 7 more students into the infirmary

Ass: howre they gonna fit?

Eats ass: 🤷‍♀️

Mommy: if worse comes to worse just start piling them

Sera: wise words

Fukk equality: Petiton to get doc a higher salary

Equality: ^

Cecile: ^

Sera: ^

Eats ass: ^

Eats ass: bro has to have some serious upper arm strength to drag that many students

Ass: and hes fast too, when we were fighting he got us there in like 2 mins

Ass: from across the schl

Eats ass: he should start a uber business fr


Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: honestly you might aswell petition for john to get a full suit of armor, it would have the same effect

Ass: signed

Eats ass: AHAHAJ


Fukk equality: SHSHS thats true tho

Eats ass: john is 100% the root of all docs misery

Cecile: his life cant be all that bad

Cecile: After all i heard he got a girlfriend

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: oh yea, he said she was hot too

Cecile: she works for some kinda large company, must be rich.. and not to mention smart, what a lucky guy

Eats ass: how tf did u ind this out..???

Cecile: 🕵️‍♀️

Eats ass renamed Cecile to 'The real shi TM'

The real shi TM: i approve of this name

Sera: the doc gets hoes?

Ass: pls say sike

Fukk equality:

Eats ass: but wait i wanna hear more abt the field trip :(

Fukk equality: A FIELD TRIP??

Sera: cecile just said that like 5 mins ago

Ass: u mean the one after mid term breaks, aka 2 months from now

Fukk equality:

Fukk equality: Wow. Fuck me.

Equality: 👀😏

Eats ass: yooo...

Sera: LMAO remi

Ass: remi thats not very adorable bean of u

Equality: (- _ -)

Eats ass: Im just wonderin whre they gpt the money to fund it, since i heard its a super expenisve resort..

Equality: well..if the club can afford two club rooms..

Fukk equality: then it can get the funds for a super pricey trip cant it?

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: but its only for the social club, so it cant be that expensive

Ass: its a trip to some fancy beach resort

Sera: huh??

Sera: what the hell did that club do again anyways?

The real shi TM: I forgot

Eats ass: im takin ur real shi TM title

The real shi TM: :(

Eats ass: its community service, it formed back when rei was king..

Eats ass: it does have two classrooms but i don see many members attending nowadys

Eats ass: apprently it got a ton of rewards at some point too

Equality: ...yea.

Sera: Isen

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Isen.

Fukk equality: ISEN.

Eats ass:


Ass: the "make remi feel better sleepover" just ended now ur already doin this!

Eats ass: remi im sorrryyyyyy :((

Equality: its fine! I know you didnt mean it

Eats ass: ty remi :')

Equality: 💕💕💕💕

Eats ass: :D

Ass: Not to ruin the mmment but jm having a breakdown

Fukk equality: thats not new

Ass: elaine. 😊

Equality: blyke. 😀


Ass: i was saying.

Sera: LMAO

Eats ass: she protecc she atacc

Sera: ew cringey 2018 memes 😒


Ass: someones moving into mh dorm

Eats ass: the world is ending


Equality: what 😀

Ass: dont worry guys its ust bromance

Equality: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Equality: im hopping off the roof again 🚶‍♀️

Ass: ill just kick em out or smth, theyre probably a mid tier

Eats ass: it womt b the same ;(((

Ass: :((

Sera: they didnt tell u who was moving in??

Ass: nope, they just said "sorry bud, ur living with this fucker u dont even know the name of now!" N kicked me out the office

Equality: omg..

Ass: not literally

Eats ass: id pay to see principal vaughn say that

Equality: hopefully whoever it is can live with the suspicious smooching sounds in the middle of the night

Fukk equality: or the suspicous slapping sounds

-Message was deleted-



Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: why does isen look like someone egged him with red paint


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