Ch- 15 Chilled to the bone 💌

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Thanks for the understanding and support with last weeks lack chapters. Screw mommy issues! The show must go on!

And take the drawing of ch-10 as an extra sorry.    ^











*"Slight" smut warning*




Johns Pov

"Mmph.." my head wet?

Hang this blood?

Wait no its water, why am i wet?

The sound or utensils clanking against eachother fills the empty air



The noise stops, and the sounds of kitchen wear are replaced with loud footsteps, barreling my direction..wait where the hell am i?

My thoughts collecting themselves instantly

Body moving on its own, i dart to what looks like the front door.

I stop in my tracks,

almost knocking out the last of my senses out when a yellow barrier spawns infront of me.


..Theres no fucking way..
I turn to see a full head of blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.


My face twists in an instant

Did i just sleep walk and break into his house?


Wait no that cant be possible, what was i doing before this?

I sit down legs crossed and brows furrowed, an annoyingly persistent stare boring my headtop

"Sera! Sera fucking knocked me out and brought me here!" I manage to conculde from my long thinking session

Arlo stares at me blankly, though i can tell hes internally saying 'are you fucking kidding?' ...This bastard.

I feel the heat rise onto my cheeks

"Listen I--"


Every time he leave me 'lone He always tell me he miss it..

He wanna~ F!



Ding! that seriously Arlos ringtone? The all-mighty "king of wellstone"

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